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Mountain bike female company

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The thing is, its cool to want to meet a girl to go cycling with but if your really into cycling are you sure taking a girl with you is the best idea? Ive been out with guys cycling before and it seems all i do is watch them dissappear round corners! Oh yeah and bikeys are always out clocking up the miles and never have any time for you!!! Lol.:D

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Hi Romario - my guess is, you're someone with a lot of self respect, pride and integrity. If you do what you're interested in, if you live your own life then good things will come to you - success, friends and maybe a girlfriend or life long partner. And for the most part you will be RIGHT! What you should avoid though is being a one club golfer. There's more than one way to achieve your goals and sometimes it's you who needs to change. I learned this lesson very slowly, but came across something recently that smacked me in the face with the way it got to the point, so I'll share it with you ...


If you're someone who thinks that a woman should like you for who you are, you want to be yourself, you don't like the idea of pretending to be someone that you're not, then maybe you need to think again ...


Derek Vitalio says that ... "some guys need to swallow the hard fact that “being themselves” is the same as “being a loser” or “being a non-sexual friend” to women. And “being themselves” has gotten them absolutely nowhere."


So I guess a good plan would be - pursue your interests passionately, don't give up on what makes you a special person, but always look for ways in which you can meet others half way. Open up your mind to new possibilities, new interests, don't be afraid of trying something different as a complete beginner. Being fit and outgoing is attractive to women, but so is having the confidence to laugh at yourself. Putting yourself in situations where you're not in your comfort zone can put you on the same level as a potential partner.


But if you do find someone through a common interest in cycling, make sure that's not the only thing that connects you. Relationships need much more depth than a single interest. Go for it and good luck mate!

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met spanish girl, much more open & allowing, cycling is great now

why if i saw an English girl & tagged along, they eel afraid & don't wanna cycle together & go for a beer, they think your weird or somethingh, in Europe this isn't the case!

wise up english girls on bikes & don't be paranoid!

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I am at college, i am trying to get some attention for my cooking venture, but realy i'm thinking that this is a waste of time.

With so many take aways & restaurants, who needs someone a guy in their house!

Although i'm still willing to do this for anyone wanting this, i think i will re advertise on the jobs area.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm in the South west of Sheffield & am looking for a female that would like to join me for Mountain Bike Rides & mabe a pub friendship & mabe a romance.


I like the Mayfield Valley area, Endcliff park, up through to Forge Dam & mabe out to Derbyshire.

I'm no fitness fanatic, but like a laugh.

Anyone interested, then PM me or post here



hi i have just started cycling and i love it. however i dont have any one to go with. please please contact me on mindyspat@hotmail.com

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Wow good old Sheffield forums.


I came here looking for a football team initially but this place is the Dogs PJs for local activities that otherwise I probably would have never thought to enquire about.


This thread anywhere else on the webby would have probably provoked some horrible remarks of one form or another, go go Sheffield and surrounds :)

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