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Where did we go wrong?

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All humans can be greedy, spiteful, vindictive and vengeful given the right set of circumstances.


I do not seemed to have come across the right set of circumstances yet and being in my seventies now probably to old to change my ways, and as most of my childhood we were on rations and being the eldest of eleven children as well as being married for over 50 years I most likely have a different outlook on life and my fellow human beings

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I do not seemed to have come across the right set of circumstances yet and being in my seventies now probably to old to change my ways, and as most of my childhood we were on rations and being the eldest of eleven children as well as being married for over 50 years I most likely have a different outlook on life and my fellow human beings


Denial is one of the most common instinctive defense mechanisms that we all use, pretending that an uncomfortable truth is not true.

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Denial is one of the most common instinctive defense mechanisms that we all use, pretending that an uncomfortable truth is not true.


It does seem that you have had a completely different life to what mine as been, I had a happy childhood and a very happy and memorable adult life and never have I felt that anyone who I have ever met as done something to me to which I have even had to think about gaining revenge or wishing them harm.


I still ask myself the question ( before buying anything ) do I need it and can I afford it, if the answer is no I do without it, like a car I do not need one now so I do not run one, I was around 30 before I needed a car which was when I got one to travel to Huddersfield for work on early starts even though I was driving for a living most of my working life.


My wife has never had any interest in driving so it would be stood at work for weeks at a time when I was away but it was necessary to be able to get to work in the early hours.


You do seem to class everyone else to your opinions and outlook on life generalising , when there are still a lot of very nice , kind human beings in this world.

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It does seem that you have had a completely different life to what mine as been, I had a happy childhood and a very happy and memorable adult life and never have I felt that anyone who I have ever met as done something to me to which I have even had to think about gaining revenge or wishing them harm.


I still ask myself the question ( before buying anything ) do I need it and can I afford it, if the answer is no I do without it, like a car I do not need one now so I do not run one, I was around 30 before I needed a car which was when I got one to travel to Huddersfield for work on early starts even though I was driving for a living most of my working life.


My wife has never had any interest in driving so it would be stood at work for weeks at a time when I was away but it was necessary to be able to get to work in the early hours.


You do seem to class everyone else to your opinions and outlook on life generalising , when there are still a lot of very nice , kind human beings in this world.


I also had an happy life but I'm not in denial about the fact I consume more than my fair share of the worlds resources and definitely more than is required to sustain my life. If you can afford more than you need why do you work more hours than is required to fullfill your needs?

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There's something fundamentally wrong with the premise of this discussion.

The worlds notionally finite resources continuously evolve. All resources in the universe are ultimately finite as whoever is left will discover when the last star burns out many trillions of years from now.


The way we make life better for everybody is technological progress.

Wishing reason, conservation of resources has it's place, but progress must march on finding new natural resources to exploit as it always has. Arresting this process is doom.

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There's something fundamentally wrong with the premise of this discussion.

The worlds notionally finite resources continuously evolve. All resources in the universe are ultimately finite as whoever is left will discover when the last star burns out many trillions of years from now.


The way we make life better for everybody is technological progress.

Wishing reason, conservation of resources has it's place, but progress must march on finding new natural resources to exploit as it always has. Arresting this process is doom.


You must agree that we should slow down our consumption so that we don't run out of earth's natural resources before we develop the technology needed to exploit the resources of other planets.

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You must agree that we should slow down our consumption so that we don't run out of earth's natural resources before we develop the technology needed to exploit the resources of other planets.


Slowing down consumption also slows technological progress.

I don't know whether you can arrange to slow consumption more than you slow progress. I think neither do you.

I would remind you of the "dark ages" when the powers that be saw fit to arrest our development for idealogical reasons, but consumption continued unabated.

We have so many hopefully technologies on the horizon: better batteries, clear nuclear power of various kinds.

Instead of this we pursue hopeless sea-ends like wind and solar.

Attempt to organise the world by grand design at our considerable peril.

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Slowing down consumption also slows technological progress.

I don't know whether you can arrange to slow consumption more than you slow progress. I think neither do you.

I would remind you of the "dark ages" when the powers that be saw fit to arrest our development for idealogical reasons, but consumption continued unabated.

We have so many hopefully technologies on the horizon: better batteries, clear nuclear power of various kinds.

Instead of this we pursue hopeless sea-ends like wind and solar.

Attempt to organise the world by grand design at our considerable peril.


Not going to be much use if we consume everything the planet has to offer before we are able to use this technology to exploit the resources of other worlds.


A significantly smaller population would have significantly more time to develop the required technology.

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All humans can be greedy, spiteful, vindictive and vengeful given the right set of circumstances.


Indeed they can, but we have a choice. We can chose not to be any of these things because we know they are wrong.


Isn't that what our mothers (and our religions) try and teach us?

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