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Where did we go wrong?

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Too much capitalism, not enough socialism, get more socialism; simple.


Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried.


My cure is dictatorship. I realise that is a dirty word in view of the dictators of the 20th century. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, France were either mad bad or ineffectual.


History shows us however that the times when human beings have been at their happiest is when there is enough food and shelter, work, and an ability to progress and security.


The period of Roman history of the four emperors ending with Marcus Aurelius is a time in which, despite slavery, ordinary humans within the Roman Empire were most content.


In today's world democracy has failed. We need a dictatorship or maybe an oligarchy to take over, distribute resources according to need, enforce the law, take no heed of religious dogma.

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Spot on. The third world breed like rats then expect us to magic a nice life for them. Enough. If they want to go off like that then we must as a matter of survival let them starve when they cheerfully massively overbreed.


Really not that simple. When you get old in this country and you cant work any more, the state will look after you. They will put you in a home or send a carer round. You may have your own pension. You won't be dependant on your kids to house you, cloth you and feed you.


If these third world hell holes you will NEED kids to ensure your survival after you start getting on a bit. Factor in infant mortality rates, dying or being incapacitated by some (treatable in the west) illness or being hacked to death by another ethnic group you need to make sure you have a few spare kids knocking around in lieu of a welfare state.

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A lot of homeless people are homeless by choice. even if they say they are not. ........



.....something I really learned that night - talk to them.


When talking to them, did you get to know why they "are homeless by choice. even if they say they are not. ...."?


---------- Post added 09-03-2016 at 15:31 ----------


History shows us however that the times when human beings have been at their happiest is when there is enough food and shelter, work, and an ability to progress and security.


The period of Roman history of the four emperors ending with Marcus Aurelius is a time in which, despite slavery, ordinary humans within the Roman Empire were most content.


Assuming that, by "ordinary humans", you mean the ones that weren't slaves, then it's no surprise they were content! They had slaves to do all the unpleasant/dangerous work, to bring in resources that the "ordinary humans" enjoyed for free.


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When talking to them, did you get to know why they "are homeless by choice. even if they say they are not. ...."?


---------- Post added 09-03-2016 at 15:31 ----------


Assuming that, by "ordinary humans", you mean the ones that weren't slaves, then it's no surprise they were content! They had slaves to do all the unpleasant/dangerous work, to bring in resources that the "ordinary humans" enjoyed for free.



Thankyou for stating the glaringly obvious. My point is that the system worked and it could work today albeit we no longer need slaves.


---------- Post added 09-03-2016 at 15:59 ----------


That depends if you class communism as socialism as there are many countries in existence today that still practise socialism.


Please tell me where these countries are.

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A moot point surely? They died, through lack of help.


Not in as much as your OP stated:

There's enough food in the world for everyone but people starve.

The point being, I don't think people die in the UK through lack of food, as in a famine. At least not since the potato famine.

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Thankyou for stating the glaringly obvious. My point is that the system worked and it could work today albeit we no longer need slaves.


---------- Post added 09-03-2016 at 15:59 ----------



Please tell me where these countries are.


A quick Google will show this as the top 10 most socialistic countries.












New Zealand



It obviously depends on what you call socialist and how socialism is embedded in the running of a country. The last UK Labour party in the UK was classed as socialist but was it?

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There are 10 empty homes for every homeless person.


There's enough food in the world for everyone but people starve.


There are cures for lots of illnesses but people can't afford them.


The world is awash with money but poverty still blights millions of lives.




Where did we go wrong?

And more to the point, how do we put it right?




Corruption and greed are two good reasons.


Why would any one need more than a million quid to have a good life. Many are not even satisfied with multiple millions, they want BILLIONS. It's just crazy when you think about it, but hey ho that's life.



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When talking to them, did you get to know why they "are homeless by choice. even if they say they are not. ...."?


The answer is often sick of 'the system'. Rather be free of it. And often people with MH issues.

Edited by *_ash_*
seperated the two answers as they aren't mutually exclusive
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