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Where did we go wrong?

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I think greed covers all,ie= Jacob Zuma his country is in the middle of a drought,children are going with out food and he just spent half a million pounds on his birthday party.

Houses are left empty, till there value increases even more.

A revolution is the answer,the people need to stand up and be counted.


There's more than one way to have a revolution. It doesn't have to be a blood on the streets type which does no one any favours, and often ends with people in a worse position.


Think more Ghandi. Civil disobediance got him India back with very little blood being spilled. He was a very clever man with a clear plan and it worked.


France has a very volatile population who don't put up with half the crap we do - and they have a socialist government. Personally I would withhold my taxes until the Corporations paid theirs, but with PAYE that's not an option.


One things for sure, we have to stand together and not allow the governments to divide people by setting one faction against another as they are trying to do. This is not the fault of the unemployed, the Baby boomers or immigrants. It is the fault of greedy bankers and innept or corrupt politicians. The 0.1%. They are the ones your ire should be set against.

Edited by Anna B
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It is the fault of greedy bankers and innept or corrupt politicians. The 0.1%. They are the ones your ire should be set against.


So you keep saying on every thread, but you forget to mention the tax and spend government that was in power at the time who angered working people, failed to control the sense of entitlement inbred into some people, massively failed in controlling the benefit workers of this country and prefer to fix the roof while its raining. I cant think why you don't seem to ever mention that. :suspect:

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There's more than one way to have a revolution. It doesn't have to be a blood on the streets type which does no one any favours, and often ends with people in a worse position.


Think more Ghandi. Civil disobediance got him India back with very little blood being spilled. He was a very clever man with a clear plan and it worked.


France has a very volatile population who don't put up with half the crap we do - and they have a socialist government. Personally I would withhold my taxes until the Corporations paid theirs, but with PAYE that's not an option.


One things for sure, we have to stand together and not allow the governments to divide people by setting one faction against another as they are trying to do. This is not the fault of the unemployed, the Baby boomers or immigrants. It is the fault of greedy bankers and innept or corrupt politicians. The 0.1%. They are the ones your ire should be set against.


Is this claiming that Indians are better off and less hungry and better cared for than us Brits?? If so then :loopy:

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Is this claiming that Indians are better off and less hungry and better cared for than us Brits?? If so then :loopy:


They wanted to free their own country from the tyranny of British rule, and in that they succeeded.

They also now happen to have more millionaires per capita than any other country.

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They wanted to free their own country from the tyranny of British rule, and in that they succeeded.

They also now happen to have more millionaires per capita than any other country.

They have a lot more poor people than UK per capita. But I accept things are improving if there a a lot of millionaires

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So you keep saying on every thread, but you forget to mention the tax and spend government that was in power at the time who angered working people, failed to control the sense of entitlement inbred into some people, massively failed in controlling the benefit workers of this country and prefer to fix the roof while its raining. I cant think why you don't seem to ever mention that. :suspect:


I do mention it, regularly, but only to point out it was propaganda put forward very forcefully, continuously and successfully by the Tory party to win the election.

Repeat something often enough and people will believe it.


Don't believe the phoney statistics. The economy now is in a worse state than it has ever been, and another crash is imminent. Any growth we have seen is down to immigration. 800,000 people are now on 0 hours contracts. The debt has increased from £1 trillion to £1.5 trillion since the Tories came to power.

As for a sense of entitlement, please look to the upper and ruling classes for classic examples of that. They embody a sense of entitlement like no other. Just try taking something away from them and watch them wail like babies without their dummies.

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