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Where did we go wrong?

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You are just in denial mate, I would bet money that you consume far more than your fair share of the worlds resources. :)


Being a Westerner, that goes without saying


But that isn't the point you were making


You said that greed is a natural human instinct


And it is categorically NOT

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Being a Westerner, that goes without saying


But that isn't the point you were making


You said that greed is a natural human instinct


And it is categorically NOT


What's the cause of your overconsumption if not greed?


How many humans do you think exist that given the choice of overconsumption (western lifestyle) or just consuming the resources needed for their survival, would choose the latter?

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What's the cause of your overconsumption if not greed?


Central Banking, Capitalism, Debt-based economy, Thatcher, Corrosive voting system, Inappropriate education for children, Mainstream Media Stranglehold, Advertising, Disconnection of people from Nature, Children targetted as consumers, The horror that is Christmas (waste of plastic and trees).


To name but a few


And I live very frugally. My food, water, resource consumption is minimal and with minimal waste. Everything gets recycled. Waste bin takes 3 weeks + to fill. I support post capitalist enterprises. I engage with and help my local community. I talk to my neighbours and help them out where I can. I support renewable resources. I promote inclusive leadership.


Human beings are naturally collaborative, compassionate and caring. One only has to look at the huge efforst to donate food and clothing to the people in Calais to see that :)

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Central Banking, Capitalism, Debt-based economy, Thatcher, Corrosive voting system, Inappropriate education for children, Mainstream Media Stranglehold, Advertising, Disconnection of people from Nature, Children targetted as consumers, The horror that is Christmas (waste of plastic and trees).


To name but a few


And I live very frugally. My food, water, resource consumption is minimal and with minimal waste. Everything gets recycled. Waste bin takes 3 weeks + to fill. I support post capitalist enterprises. I engage with and help my local community. I talk to my neighbours and help them out where I can. I support renewable resources. I promote inclusive leadership.


Human beings are naturally collaborative, compassionate and caring. One only has to look at the huge efforst to donate food and clothing to the people in Calais to see that :)




And greedy, spiteful, vindictive, vengeful, do you think those that give to good causes give everything they don't need or do they keep more than they need?


Greed is a survival instinct, you only have to look at starving people to see it, when the food turns up do they stand in an orderly queue and only take what their fair share or do they rush in a grab as much as they can grab.

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And greedy, spiteful, vindictive, vengeful


I guess we see in others the traits we ourselves have dude


I don't associate with ANY of those terms :)


Greed is a survival instinct, you only have to look at starving people to see it, when the food turns up do they stand in an orderly queue and only take what their fair share or do they rush in a grab as much as they can grab


I have seen both examples


The tone being set by the leaders

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I guess we see in others the traits we ourselves have dude


I don't associate with ANY of those terms :)




I have seen both examples


The tone being set by the leaders


No we tend to ignore the traits we have that we don't like to see in others.

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