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Should swearing be stopped in the posh part of town

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Salford will fine you for using ‘foul and abusive language’ in the Quays.

As Mark Thomas notes "....over a quarter of its children living in poverty and the already depleted child services are set to be cut again by £6m this year. Its murder rate is one of the highest in the UK. Impotent to act against the cuts in government funding, the council last year opted to make the world a neater and nicer place by wishing away the nastiness and introducing a swear box."




Even if your not laughing at the council's decision, the reader's comments below the article are very funny.

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Swearing should be discouraged in all public places. Any idea to improve the ambiance of an area is good forward thinking in my opinion.


Foul language seems to be no longer frowned upon no matter where the area.


I often hear mothers on the school run using the F word in every other sentence this while standing at the school gates setting a wonderful example to their little darlings who will grow up thinking that there is nothing wrong by using the same.

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Posh ... Sheffield ... can't quite get the correlation there? After all isn't 'Posh' in Sheffield the description of someone with more than 6 teeth, who hasn't been on Jeremy Kyle and gets of the bath for a pee?

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I posted the above in half jest.


Yes Salford Quays is the home of the Lowry collection depicting the genteel working classes going about their business. But it's also home to one of Salford's most notorious productions: the Jeremy Kyle show. "A morbid and depressing display of dysfunctional people....A form of human bear baiting", was how one judge accurately described it.

Swearing isn't a particular bug bear of mine. I don't mind the odd f word here and there, for effect. Though the effin' this and effin' is just tedious.


I was just vaguely amused to learn that the Council wanted to ban it in the er 'posher' part of Salford.

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I love the fact that media monkeys have been forced into salford. I can just immagaine them saying something like 'gritty' while being mugged for their iPhone by an ordsall scrote.


:hihi: I take it you're familiar with Salford then?

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I posted the above in half jest.


Yes Salford Quays is the home of the Lowry collection depicting the genteel working classes going about their business. But it's also home to one of Salford's most notorious productions: the Jeremy Kyle show. "A morbid and depressing display of dysfunctional people....A form of human bear baiting", was how one judge accurately described it.

Swearing isn't a particular bug bear of mine. I don't mind the odd f word here and there, for effect. Though the effin' this and effin' is just tedious.


I was just vaguely amused to learn that the Council wanted to ban it in the er 'posher' part of Salford.

A lot of money has been invested in that area and the Council have a duty to protect the interests of all the people who have worked hard to create a nice environment. I guess Stag and Hen parties are not welcome.

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