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Understanding the universe.

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I can highly recommend

Bill Bryson - A Short History Of Nearly Everting

It's fantastic, I downloaded the audio book onto my phone and listen to it whilst treadmilling. I'm so impressed I bought the actual book off amazon used.....H/B 50p - I kid you not!!


A fascinating book. Infact I'm going to listen to it again later on the treadmill!!


Understanding the universe on the treadmill of time - fascinating.

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It is rather promising.

One or more suitable gravitational wave telescopes could now be constructed in space and or on the earth which would give great insight into the first few seconds after the big bang.

Such measurements would bring us a step closer to a unifying theory of physics.


With all due respect to LIGO, they're a discovery experiment and they don't have the sensitivity for a detailed gravitational wave map of the sky analogous to WMAP.


---------- Post added 14-03-2016 at 10:18 ----------


We'll never understand everything.

The idea is to know all the rules on which the universe(s) operate(s).


Considering how much we've learned over the last hundred years or so, there's every reason to be optimistic.


If you are interested . Take a thorough look at the "Electric Universe" as a competing theory with the Big Bang. Don't reject it without attempting to compare theories. Amongst cosmologist there is a debate being held, as to the increasing "esoteric "(weird and wonderful ) nature of cosmology tied to the Big Bang. I think -certainly in my lifetime - some serious rethinking around the

Big Bang and the Electric Universe.

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I do believe its beyond our ability to understand!!


I think there's a discussion somewhere that there is possibly a limit to humankind's intelligence. Even if we evolve for a million years (if we don't erase ourselves from the planet) there will be things about the universe we will never understand. That's how the discussion went when I last read it ages ago.

I think there are plant of books around laying claim to a "theory of everything".

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We only have an understanding of the observable universe. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong.


a Limited understanding of the observable universe, and an even smaller (though present) understanding of the NONE observable (quantum mechanics, the double slit experiment, quantum entanglement etc)

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a Limited understanding of the observable universe, and an even smaller (though present) understanding of the NONE observable (quantum mechanics, the double slit experiment, quantum entanglement etc)

Don't try this at home with Known Unknowns, for instance...

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