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Dripping and toast

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Dripping eating came about because people had to survive in difficult times, like the Great Depression, and made the most of what they could obtain. Bread & Dripping was also a staple food during WW2 as our Mothers had to be resourceful. Toast would have been a luxury to many who dare not risk burning their valuable bread:D


I was told that people who lived through WW2 and couldn't get meat through rationing and thus couldn't get dripping from it, had bread and lard instead.


From late 1950's to the present day, I still eat and love my bread and dripping - uncut well done bread, cut in thick slices topped with a covering of pork dripping and jelly and a bit of salt !!!!


Best dripping comes from your own cooked meat.

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Quite right, it tasted better as fried bread though. When small brown wax-coated boxes of dried egg eventually became available from the USA we had the 'luxury' of Egg Fritters (or Eggy Bread) which is still one of my favourite meals:)

Even better with bacon if you were lucky!

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I used to get my dripping fix every morning 50 odd years ago at Butlers café opposite Jessops Hospital,in those days I was a van boy at the Don Bakery!.All the south out of town runs had breakfast there before setting off,you had your dripping on a fresh oven bottom breadcake spread nice and thick with the dark stuff we called "axle grease"on top within plenty of salt!.All washed down with a pint pot of steaming tea,lubbly jubbly,the last time I tasted it would you believe was in north Tenerife,it was served up in a restaurant while we waited for our roast chicken meal!.

Edited by old tup
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Don't like dripping on toast, but nice crusty white bread, particularly the crust, spread with nice home made pork dripping. Mmmmmmm can taste it know. my mother in law made the best dripping. Haven't had dripping for years, the stuff they sell as dripping is not the same.

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