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Almost £4b more in cuts coming in the budget.

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It isn't a huge amount though says George. He told the Andrew Marr Show: "I think we can find those savings. Of course you can George, after all it doesn't affect you and all your cronies.





I suppose you can expect cuts when the government are still reigning in the last Labour budget that had a £153.5 billion overspend. But no doubt some still pretend that never happened.



Edited by foxy lady
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I watched the Marr show and agreed with most of John McDonalds heartfelt wishes for improvements to peoples lives.

Where I would disagree with J M is his utter naivety on how to pay for the improvements.

He makes it all sound so simple,as though money can be magiced out of thin air (an unfortunate Socialist belief). The Tories know some of their policies are unpopular,like wage restraints,addressing the black hole of the benefits system etc etc,but realize we have a hard struggle in front of us that requires hard decisions and lots of dummy spitting.........I would hazard a guess that over 80% of people on this forum live a more affluent lifestyle than their parent and grandparents........yet it never seems enough for lots!

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.........I would hazard a guess that over 80% of people on this forum live a more affluent lifestyle than their parent and grandparents........yet it never seems enough for lots!


This depends on what measure. Jobs were plentiful back in the "old days", the cost of living was lower, buying a house was more of a realistic prospect etc etc.

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Lets not get too sentimental about the "old days"


I'm not convinced that all aspects of costs of living were cheaper. Food and household goods certainly weren't.


I agree that there was a seemingly plentiful supply of jobs available but back in the good old days we had a huge percentage of women who were left indoors and deemed only good for cooking the dinner and making the house look pretty. We also had a population of around 12-14 million less than we have today. The average life expectancy has also increased by around 11-12 years.


We had heavy industries who were so closed shop and unionised that they crippled the economy and hugely lagged behind the volume and efficiencies of foreign competitors. Constant strikes, poorly made goods and ever increasing prices led to even our own population slowly decreasing buying British and reaped the benefits of importing from abroad.


To those prepared to stop latching on to the teat of state handouts, house purchases are still a realistic prospect. You just have to be prepared to work hard for it and sacrifice.


For those people in the 60s and 70s preparing to buy a home, you can bet that expensive household goods, cars, holidays, clothing, electronics all were cut to the bone to ensure every penny went toward saving. Look around at the first time buyers of today. They want it all.


Long gone are the days when people are prepared to accept cuts in order to save for the long goal.


This mirrors exactly what happened with our previous government. Spend spend spend. Lots of promises. Lots of new things. Lots of shiny carrots to appease the population.


Well, now the bill has arrived and the credit card has been maxed out.


Thank god we have a government who is prepared to be the sensible boring uncle who has put a stop to the fun. We have a party who is prepared to lose face and implement the unwelcome but necessary cuts to get things back on track.


As Jim Mcdonell has proved categorically, its far too easy to go on television and show support for those affected by the cuts. Its all too easy to sit there spouting a load of things you would do with magic money from the non existant money tree.


Unfortunately, it takes someone with some nuts to actually sit there and said we are doing these unpleasant things because its good for you. It needs to be done.


A doctor could tell you that that lump is nothing to worry about it adds to your personality. BUT that's not going to do you any good if the truth is that it needs to be chopped out to save your life.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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This depends on what measure. Jobs were plentiful back in the "old days", the cost of living was lower, buying a house was more of a realistic prospect etc etc.


Oh for **** sake!


Back in the "old days" there were still people whining about how unfair things were even then...


... but those of us who wanted something better for ourselves got off our *****, studied hard, worked even harder, and made the best of the opportunities we had!


How much easier it would have been for all of us to sit at home all day feeling sorry for ourselves and moaning on an internet forum about how hard done to we were... :roll:

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Tories=cuts+serve the rich


Guess they are a little more careful not to use the thatcher method and do it little more subtle to avoid any major protests.

They will cut very sneakily this time and only after long time will we see the human results of that.

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Tories=cuts+serve the rich

What a lot of rot. You've fallen for the biggest political con ever perpetrated, that the left hold the moral high ground and the right are nasty.


Guess they are a little more careful not to use the thatcher method and do it little more subtle to avoid any major protests.

They will cut very sneakily this time and only after long time will we see the human results of that.

Have you heard yourself - the cuts will be so sneaky that you won't notice the cuts!! :hihi:


Just like you haven't noticed it so far in fact. How DO the nasty sneaky sneaks do it? :rolleyes:

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I don't understand if we need cuts in expenditure why at the same time as its predicted that higher earners will be getting two tax cuts, the increase in basic tax and higher tax thresholds, especially when the cuts in welfare and public sector jobs will probably fall mostly on lower income households.

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