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Almost £4b more in cuts coming in the budget.

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An awful lot of people seem to disagree with you (and not just on sf).


They are wrong though Fonzy.


If there is something that needs changing because society deems it, the change needs to be codified into the tax legislation, not pressure from newspaper headlines and advertising clickbait for people who don't understand what they are reading.


Then it will be law and is still won't be a moral issue. Get it?

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Jesus H Christ, what does a company have to do to get a bit of respect?
Move out, methinks :|


Then continue paying tax wherever it lands and fund the government and benefits there instead. With a side order of giving the rods to the ex-country and ex-employees.


By and large that's what most Belgian, French, Spanish <etc.> business types who relocated here in recent years have been doing. No reason to suspect they'd show any more loyalty to the UK, if it eventually turned on them like their own governments did before.


It's a global economy with ever fewer tangible assets: wealth creators can move their profit centres wherever, whenever, at the drop of a hat. Try and stop them, see how far you go ;)

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They are wrong though Fonzy.


Everyone else is wrong but you?


There is an argument to say that tax a kind of moral mechanism to tackle injustice and inequality on our society isn't there? a way to rebalance the economy?


You are right in that the tax laws need changing but isn't that exactly what the treasury are looking at doing?


Until then its a moral issue, get it?

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There's no need for blasphemy.


Respect? Are you for real?


By the way, you forgot to mention the Osbornes' use of tax havens.





You guys are desperate aren't you.




There is no suggestion Mr Osborne or his family business avoided tax :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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They are wrong though Fonzy.


If there is something that needs changing because society deems it, the change needs to be codified into the tax legislation, not pressure from newspaper headlines and advertising clickbait for people who don't understand what they are reading.


Then it will be law and is still won't be a moral issue. Get it?


It must be a moral issue to a degree, or the corporation tax paid by any major corporation with a half decent accounts and legal team would pay nothing wouldn't they?

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