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Almost £4b more in cuts coming in the budget.

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I'm glad you picked a Guardian link otherwise we'd never hear the end of it with a looney-right paper link.


Ah but ricgem will be along with the rest of the delusional mob saying 'he started it' (meaning Tory).


looks like the tories carried on with it and gave the go ahead with another 39 projects to hike up the debt. care to comment ash :suspect::hihi:

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It isn't a huge amount though says George. He told the Andrew Marr Show: "I think we can find those savings. Of course you can George, after all it doesn't affect you and all your cronies.





50p in every £100 of public spending. All depends on how local councils see fit to distribute these cuts I supose.


---------- Post added 14-03-2016 at 08:25 ----------


I notice none of the posters who insist the cuts are all about having to save money because of the deficit, have chosen to mention the other side of the coin - tax cuts for high earners and the MPs pay rise, as mentioned in other posts....


I wonder why?


You have it wrong. Cuts on public spending do not go hand in hand with tax hikes.


The Uk has a pretty good balance of taxation in my opinion. Wealth creators feel they can do business while we have things like the living wage and large strides in the personal allowance.


Calling for higher tax on high earners just for the sake of it, is just jealousy.

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Er, so you're just agreeing with what I said? About Labour treating the banks with kid gloves? But then, it was a sign of the times. Pre crash, the Tories wouldn't have treated them any differently.


I'm no Corbyn fan. Not at all. I didn't like Brown either.

I just think the country was hoodwinked in 2010.


I don't want to upset your delusion but the banks didn't crash under the Tories. They crashed after 10 years of Gordon Brown's (We've eliminated boom & bust) control after he made the Bank of England independent, and he set up the FSA to control them.

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I don't want to upset your delusion but the banks didn't crash under the Tories. They crashed after 10 years of Gordon Brown's (We've eliminated boom & bust) control after he made the Bank of England independent, and he set up the FSA to control them.


... and he personally allowed the RBS merger, that created a bank too big to fail.


Brown blamed for RBS collapse


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50p in every £100 of public spending. All depends on how local councils see fit to distribute these cuts I supose.


---------- Post added 14-03-2016 at 08:25 ----------



You have it wrong. Cuts on public spending do not go hand in hand with tax hikes.


The Uk has a pretty good balance of taxation in my opinion. Wealth creators feel they can do business while we have things like the living wage and large strides in the personal allowance.


Calling for higher tax on high earners just for the sake of it, is just jealousy.


That is what you think?


You balance this one, couple one has been together 30 years but never wants to get married, they don't believe in it.

Couple two, guy falls in love after one night sex and gets married next day.


now which couple gets the better deal when only one partner works, go figure and balance it out.

UK tax system is one of the most old fashioned barbarian systems I have ever seen and I have paid taxes in three countries.

Edited by dutch
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Beause it isn't the other side of the coin. It is just a random thing that isn't connected unless it's because high earners pay the majority of tax and all parties have had commitments to reducing all tax take.


Why don't you want to talk about the cuts and how public bodies need to get to grips with efficiency profligracy, waste, duplication, high wages, unsustainable pension deals, poor procurement etc

Of course it is connected, that is a ludicrous statement even by your standards old chap,

The government has the financial control to see fit what it takes and what it gives out....

perhaps if Gideon paid his fair share of tax then he would not have to take from the disabled


Edited by banjodeano
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I don't want to upset your delusion but the banks didn't crash under the Tories. They crashed after 10 years of Gordon Brown's (We've eliminated boom & bust) control after he made the Bank of England independent, and he set up the FSA to control them.

all backed by the tories I believe :roll:

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Of course it is connected, that is a ludicrous statement even by your standards old chap,

The government has the financial control to see fit what it takes and what it gives out....

perhaps if Gideon paid his fair share of tax then he would have to take from the disabled



You couldn't make it up.

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all backed by the tories I believe :roll:


Opposition parties don't make policy. Labour had a huge majority and could make what policy they wanted.


Of course the problem is compounded now because of the debt. The current government has to cut £30 billion from spending every year just to pay the interest on those debts. They then have to cut the £153.5 billion of spending that wasn't covered by taxation. All that before they start to worry about how to pay back the £1500 billion that's been borrowed by the continued overspend.

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