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Codicil to a will

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Can you write your own codicil to a will and would it be legal to do so.


you can do, but depending on what you are wanting to do it may be better to see a solicitor.


a mistake may leave your will open to challenge or cause your wishes to be ignored all at a time where you family will be grieving for you.

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you can do, but depending on what you are wanting to do it may be better to see a solicitor.


a mistake may leave your will open to challenge or cause your wishes to be ignored all at a time where you family will be grieving for you.


Very true, wills can be complicated and a simple mistake can have a significant impact later on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Good points. Probate solicitors probably make a lot of money in disputes arising from unprofessionally-drawn Wills/Codicils.
I once read somewhere a proposal to allow wills to be put through probate before you died so if there were any problems you could fix them and ensure it was unchallangeable.
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I once read somewhere a proposal to allow wills to be put through probate before you died so if there were any problems you could fix them and ensure it was unchallangeable.

News to me!

Better idea: as Land Registration works quite well, why has there never been any serious attempt at compulsory Will Registration? Were this requisite, HM Wills Registry could verify that a Will contained no problems and- in effect- make it unchallengeable on grounds of legal validity, at least, whilst preserving the rights of putative claimants under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975- see http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1975/63/contents

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I wrote one several years ago, I downloaded the form from online. I think the only thing you were told not to do was staple it to the will. When I changed my will the other year I asked the solicitor if the codicil had been legal and he said yes it was fine. I don't know why you can't staple it to the will because the solicitors usually keep the original I think.

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