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Anorexia caused by narcissism - Agree?

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Fair enough. Let's look at this then:


To use your analogy, what if you are dealt a hand with one or more bad cards? Just get on with it? (how big is the hand of cards btw?)


In this way your analogy holds some credibility, we ALL have to get on with the hand we're dealt.


For me, that's where the analogy ends though, because your argument assumes that because we are born into somewhere where life is relatively simple (like here) - i.e. ample food / health / care / shelter, that in turn means all the cards in our [western] card-hands are all good cards. That's quite obviously not correct, and isn't in ANY society.

Your comments are fair. BUT, my comments are based on the topic of the thread and the article in the link. I am effectively comparing the life of a person lucky enough to be born in a Western society to that of someone born in a Third World society. I agree, if we were just to compare the lives of people born in the same Western Society, then we are playing a different game of cards.

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It's strange but this is one of the phenomena, like obesity, that was rarely seen or heard of in the 50s and 60s when I was growing up. Not saying it never existed but I never saw or heard of anyone with either of these problems. Wonder why?

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It's strange but this is one of the phenomena, like obesity, that was rarely seen or heard of in the 50s and 60s when I was growing up. Not saying it never existed but I never saw or heard of anyone with either of these problems. Wonder why?


Perhaps similar mental health conditions were there in it's place? Anorexia seems to be agreed by the experts to be more about control than food, so if food was scarce (still rationed at least) in the 50s and early 60s then using food to gain some life control wouldn't have happened, but there may have been other areas that were going on but not so obvious to see as an eating disorder is.


It would be interesting to see statistics on all non-age related mental health issues (i.e. ignoring dementia or Alzheimer's) to see whether there has been a growth in numbers diagnosed with mental health conditions, and then also some info as to why that is? I'd suspect we've always had similar amounts of people with mental health problems but that now we are more aware of them so more people get diagnoses and treatment which makes it look like an increasing problem. Is it possible that we've gone too far in looking for mental health issues that people who are just a bit different end up with a label? For example technically I have ADHD...my parents never told me until I was in my 20s as they couldn't see any point in my growing up thinking there was something wrong with me. Now apart from being a bit talkative (both online and face to face :D) I'm no different to anyone else and I wonder if the ADHD label would actually have affected me if I'd known about it as a teen and whether I was 'over-diagnosed'? Equally there are many children diagnosed with ADHD who absolutely need treatment and medicine as they are far more than simply a bit loud and naughty. A bit of an open question there really but I think it is relevant.

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  • 1 year later...
It's strange but this is one of the phenomena, like obesity, that was rarely seen or heard of in the 50s and 60s when I was growing up. Not saying it never existed but I never saw or heard of anyone with either of these problems. Wonder why?



Anyone with any unusual or extreme behaviour was labelled schizophrenic back in those days.


No expert but I think anorexia refers to people who take slimming a bit too far, whereas anorexia nervosa is a serious and life threatening illness, which quite often results in death eg Karen Carpenter

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