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Top Gear's Cenotaph Doughnuts

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After reading about the Top Gear stunt in London over the weekend and complaints from 'Col Richard Kemp' about it, it seems Chris Evans has voiced the BBC decision that it won't be shown during the Top Gear show.


What a sad country this is coming to when we cave in to silly complaints so easily, the people complaining just need to man up and see it how it is - a bit of fun and enjoyment for a lot of people who enjoy the show. I'm pretty sure the fair majority of all the soldiers the Cenotaph stands for would also enjoy seeing the event happening than sitting round bemoaning the lack of respect they might be getting... but who are we to put words in their mouths either way?


We do them proud on many occasions already by having moments of silence, special days and remembrances - (of which my daughter attended and sang at with her school recently).

This doesn't mean it all has to be sadness and despair.


I'm missing Jezza already!

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After reading about the Top Gear stunt in London over the weekend and complaints from 'Col Richard Kemp' about it, it seems Chris Evans has voiced the BBC decision that it won't be shown during the Top Gear show.


What a sad country this is coming to when we cave in to silly complaints so easily, the people complaining just need to man up and see it how it is - a bit of fun and enjoyment for a lot of people who enjoy the show. I'm pretty sure the fair majority of all the soldiers the Cenotaph stands for would also enjoy seeing the event happening than sitting round bemoaning the lack of respect they might be getting... but who are we to put words in their mouths either way?


We do them proud on many occasions already by having moments of silence, special days and remembrances - (of which my daughter attended and sang at with her school recently).

This doesn't mean it all has to be sadness and despair.


I'm missing Jezza already!

..........but what's the point of idiots burning rubber around a monument only to encourage even the more mentally challenged to emulate similar events in their own territories?
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I find it hard to believe this was not another sad attempt to generate publicity through controversy. I used to love the show but now it just seems to be about a bunch of rich brats playing with their toys and seeing who they can wind while up doing it.


And whilst I'm in a bah humbug mood... the bonnet scoop on that car was definitely illegal too!!

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I'm confused Bottletop, you call them doughnuts then defend their actions, or was it people like myself who think it was a misjudgement you are calling doughnuts.

Are there not lots of places they could have done this where no one would care.

I bet the bride on the steps having photos taken was less than.impressed.

Edited by Orangepip
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I bet the bride on the steps having photos taken was less than.impressed.


Considering how much they lied and used actors in the old series (I'm thinking of the outraged diners who got splashed by the van hovercraft) I'm wondering if they were also actors or in on it beforehand.


But I'm with Zamo on this, concocted to get free publicity.

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After reading about the Top Gear stunt in London over the weekend and complaints from 'Col Richard Kemp' about it, it seems Chris Evans has voiced the BBC decision that it won't be shown during the Top Gear show.


What a sad country this is coming to when we cave in to silly complaints so easily, the people complaining just need to man up and see it how it is - a bit of fun and enjoyment for a lot of people who enjoy the show. I'm pretty sure the fair majority of all the soldiers the Cenotaph stands for would also enjoy seeing the event happening than sitting round bemoaning the lack of respect they might be getting... but who are we to put words in their mouths either way?


We do them proud on many occasions already by having moments of silence, special days and remembrances - (of which my daughter attended and sang at with her school recently).

This doesn't mean it all has to be sadness and despair.


I'm missing Jezza already!


Are you seriously suggesting that these "politically correct army colonels" need to man up?

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I'm confused Bottletop, you call them doughnuts then defend their actions, or was it people like myself who think it was a misjudgement you are calling doughnuts.

Are there not lots of places they could have done this where no one would care.

I bet the bride on the steps having photos taken was less than.impressed.


:hihi: You obviously don't watch enough Top Gear! Doughnuts are when you drive a car in very tight circles smoking the tyres...


And yes, I reckon the wedding couple were in on it too. But that's the whole thing about Top Gear, it's a massive entertaining con. And because they use amazing cars it's all the better. Of course it's not for all of us, but I wouldn't encroach on other peoples enjoyment with their programs by complaining about them unless it was hurting someone.

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Considering how much they lied and used actors in the old series (I'm thinking of the outraged diners who got splashed by the van hovercraft) I'm wondering if they were also actors or in on it beforehand.


But I'm with Zamo on this, concocted to get free publicity.


Did they actually claim they weren't using actors?

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Are you seriously suggesting that these "politically correct army colonels" need to man up?


If they feel the same about this specific incident then yes, and what has politics got to do with it?

There's plenty of war cemeteries left well alone by Top Gear, and quite rightly too. But this is different, it's a monument in the middle of a busy city surrounded by roads. Cars were driven fast round it...

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