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Top Gear's Cenotaph Doughnuts

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..........but what's the point of idiots burning rubber around a monument only to encourage even the more mentally challenged to emulate similar events in their own territories?


No point at all, it will just encourage more dangerous driving on our streets.

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Looking at the new overly pc friendly Top Gear line up it's very clear to see the good old BBC won't be upsetting any of the 'minorites' as they are all catered for. It is however ok to disrespect all those brave men and women who gave up their lives so that the 'minorities' today can stand up and fight for their beliefs! This footage taken next to the London cenotaph is far worse than anything Jeremy Clarkson said or did in his whole time with Top Gear, will those that continuously gave him grief however be so outspoken about this? I very much doubt it.

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I assume that the road was closed off; but that does not excuse anything. This is just about the BBC making money, I assume they paid the cost of closing the road, but what about the inconvenience to everyone.


They roads off all the time in that there London for filming. Nothing new there.

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Maybe it's just me, but I'm fairly sure the 'new' show with the 'new' hosts (whoever they are) will be a flop...


If this incident is anything like the standard they intend to use...I don't see it holding an audience...


Just not the same as driving a mini off an olympic ski jump is it. That kind of stuff was actually good.

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They've run out of ideas, that's the problem with Top Gear. The first few supercar Vs public transport challenges were good, but they've had to try and go one better each subsequent time, pushing the boundaries a little more.


I think Clarkson moving to Amazon will be like Richard and Judy taking "their" programme to Watch like they did a few years ago, for it to disappear quietly into obscurity.

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So should we not have a stage for Tramlines outside the City Hall? Or the fairground rides that appear there every so often?


People being offended for no reason! If they were using the cars to demolish the Cenotaph then fair enough, give 'em Hell. But they were on the road and had obviously sought the appropriate permission to do such a stunt. Everything was obviously legal. I doubt any of the production crew were thinking 'oooh, let's disrespect the war dead'.


What next? No filming scenes for film and TV in a cemetery in case it upsets someone's relatives?

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I find it hard to believe this was not another sad attempt to generate publicity through controversy. I used to love the show but now it just seems to be about a bunch of rich brats playing with their toys and seeing who they can wind while up doing it.


And whilst I'm in a bah humbug mood... the bonnet scoop on that car was definitely illegal too!!


Why don't Chris Evens and is crew get real jobs, instead of doing this crap.

I myself think Chris Evens is a Ninnyhammer.

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I think this post says more about the "defenders" of this utterly stupid prank than the TG idiots who actually did it.


You cannot defend the undefendable.




Defend what, exactly? It just appears that we've become a nation of whingers who are offended by the slightest thing. If they'd done a stunt INVOLVING the monument then fair enough, let 'em have it. But it was on the road around it, legally and with permission.


If they'd done it somewhere else, someone would have been offended. What we need to do is grow up, be adults about it and learn to not be offended.


"Someone said something and I was offended!"


So what? We're adults, deal with it! Since when did 'sticks and stones' stop being relevant? (This last bit was nicked from the awesome Aussie comedian Steve Hughes)

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