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DOGS should not be allowed on hospital wards.

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Having spent 2 weeks in a hospital ward quite recently getting over a bad infection I'd have loved it if someone brought around a dog to play with! Quite frankly a goldfish would have done wonders for my boredom level...you can only spend so many hours a day reading books before you start to lose your marbles.


Exactly, it would cheer me up no end, to stroke a dog in hospital

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As an ex nurse, I have seen the slow rise of visitors from : 2 people to a bed , then 3 or 4 people to a bed , then people and children to a bed, to Asian families bringing curries in cartons to a bed and now I read here that they are allowing dogs onto wards ?? It's no wonder there is a rise of MRSA in hospitals.!! This infection was unheard of when I was nursing.


Because dogs carry that infection right?


It's amusing to find that you don't think children are people though.

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Can you please give more details of the times this has happened to you, ie, dates, which Asda, breed of dog etc. I am absolutely amazed that this would ever happen once, never mind numerous times you were out shopping. All Guide Dog owners are taught how to clean up after their dogs as part of their training and the dogs are taught from 7 weeks old to "toilet" at home and not when out and about. Obviously accidents happen but none of the Guide Dog owners that I know (and I know a lot) would ever leave a "pile" in the middle of a supermarket. If necessary, I will feed back relevant information to Guide Dogs.


Given my first post in this thread, I assume you don't have your Sarcasm-o-Meter switched on this morning! :)

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I can understand the dog lovers on here, but the hospital will no doubt be liable for any neglect. Dogs like to lick !


Dogs that are used as therapy dogs are taught not to lick! They're also taught not to jump etc. They're usually very calm, placid dogs.


Personally, if I was in hospital, I'd love for a therapy dog to visit. (I'd prefer my own dog obviously but she's a licker and a jumper!)


Nobody says you have to stroke the dog so if you don't like it, just ignore it! As for needing a poo, dogs have ways of letting their owner know when they need to go and they're perfectly capable of holding it until they get outside! It's called being housetrained!


I'm sure the dog brings happiness and comfort to lots of people. So yes, dogs should totally be allowed to visit hospitals. Children on the other hand....... Dirty, noisy, snotty little creatures! I know which I'd rather have around my hospital bed!!

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As an ex nurse, I have seen the slow rise of visitors from : 2 people to a bed , then 3 or 4 people to a bed , then people and children to a bed, to Asian families bringing curries in cartons to a bed and now I read here that they are allowing dogs onto wards ?? It's no wonder there is a rise of MRSA in hospitals.!! This infection was unheard of when I was nursing.

MRSA incidence has been slashed over the past few years and Sheffield hospitals is one of the best Trusts for this.

Hospitals are far far cleaner places these days than they were when I first went into nursing in the 70's.

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