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Do online petitions actually ever achieve their goal?

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Do you have any examples of the current system achieving something credible?


Have a look at the victories on petition sites:










And thanks to a huge petition on Change.org launched by Arash Derambarsh, a municipal councillor in Courbevoie, France introduced a new law requiring supermarkets to donate unsold food to charity :)

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Have a look at the victories on petition sites:










And thanks to a huge petition on Change.org launched by Arash Derambarsh, a municipal councillor in Courbevoie, France introduced a new law requiring supermarkets to donate unsold food to charity :)


Laudable efforts, but none of those have had direct government intervention (UK Gov)...that's what I meant. The uk.gov petitions site.


Also, it's a tiny number of victories compared with the number raised daily..

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Laudable efforts, but none of those have had direct government intervention (UK Gov)...that's what I meant. The uk.gov petitions site


20 petitions debated




Also, it's a tiny number of victories compared with the number raised daily..


You're right Pete


Best do nothing at all eh


And just accept our fate ;)


(Just as well Nelson Mandela dint have your attitude! :D)

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This was a very successful petition that I think will force change:




The man who started the petition claims that the extra cost of caring for those who contract meningitis outweighs the cost of giving jabs to older children.


I don't know one way or the other as to whether this is correct. If this is the case, then surely those who make the decision should have been including that in any evaluation of the options. If they haven't done this, then there should be some very searching questions as to why not. This is surely a key part of their job.


He also says you can't put a price on a child's life. Unfortunately we have to. The NHS will be able to come up with no end of deserving cases. There's no way we can fund everything. Hard decisions have to be made. Cost and benefit are the variables which are considered. I'm glad it's not my job to decide, but I'm glad there are systems and people in place to make these decisions.

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