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Do all animals go to heaven when they die? I hope not

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Last time I was up there, Saint Peter gave me the introductory tour.

It was all rather lovely with blue skies, occasional cotton cloud, meadows, streams, bunnies and lambs etc. as you might expect.


Then, as we were coming out of a copse, we saw, on the other side of the valley, a 30ft high wall stretching as far as the eye could see in both directions.


"What it that?", I asked.


"Keep your voice down" said Peter, "All the Catholics are on the other side. They think that they are the only ones here!"


That sounds plausible.

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Where do wasps go??


I hope they go back to the firey pits from whence they came!!


No other creature is as arrogant as a wasp.


It tries to pick fights with other creatures many times it's size and strength, the only reason it walks flys away from those fights in one piece is that either it goes against the other creature's conscious to squash it or it can't be bothered.

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No other creature is as arrogant as a wasp.


It tries to pick fights with other creatures many times it's size and strength, the only reason it walks flys away from those fights in one piece is that either it goes against the other creature's conscious to squash it or it can't be bothered.




I can't stand them! I really really hate them and i know it's wrong to hate another creature but ffs what is their purpose??

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I like to think that my life has been a good one and then when my day of judgement comes that I will go through the pearly gates and that god will say "yes, you have been good so go through that door where all the good people go"


Now clearly animals must have souls (some people think they have intelligence) so what happens to animals when they die?


Do they go to heaven? surely not.


When I go through the gates into heaven and through the door where all the good people go I'd like to see rabbits and lambs happily playing. Surely you aren't going to see any crocodiles in heaven, or locusts, or even my neighbours horrible cat that used to trample all over my flowers.


Surely the good animals would be allowed to go to heaven and the bad ones go straight to hell?


SO yes I accept humans go to heaven and some nice animals, but surely not the evil ones? crocodiles in heaven? the mind boggles

He can't refuse repentant reptiles?

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So far as I know, St.Peter's had to have the Pearly Gates electrified as a last ditch attempt at keeping the Hillsborough Tree Penguins out … be they dead or alive.

Having said that, reports of phantom penguins floating past Basset's Licorice Allsorts factory at Hillsborough late at night are not altogether uncommon. :o

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So far as I know, St.Peter's had to have the Pearly Gates electrified as a last ditch attempt at keeping the Hillsborough Tree Penguins out … be they dead or alive.

Having said that, reports of phantom penguins floating past Basset's Licorice Allsorts factory at Hillsborough late at night are not altogether uncommon. :o


I've heard these ex-penguins can get quite possessive, can you recommend any preventative measures to help avoid such an unwanted guest tacking over your body?

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So far as I know, St.Peter's had to have the Pearly Gates electrified as a last ditch attempt at keeping the Hillsborough Tree Penguins out … be they dead or alive.

Having said that, reports of phantom penguins floating past Basset's Licorice Allsorts factory at Hillsborough late at night are not altogether uncommon. :o


The little bleeders!! Those rascals

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Depending on what you believe , God made the animals so why wouldn't they be in heaven he made the animals for his enjoyment and for ours too so who knows you will meet all sorts of animals you have never seen before.

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