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Do all animals go to heaven when they die? I hope not

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I've heard these ex-penguins can get quite possessive, can you recommend any preventative measures to help avoid such an unwanted guest tacking over your body?


Up until recently, I've been using Wrigley's crystal meth, underarm gum patches to keep the pesky poltergeist penguins at bay, which works pretty well.

However, taking inspiration from another thread on here, I've now built my own water feature/pond outside which contains concentrated holy water. I sleep in this at night (wearing my water-wings for safety), the whole shebang securely locked under a metal grid for extra precautionary safety (and to keep kids out whilst I'm slumbering).

As yet, no sign of spectral spheniscidae, I'm glad to say. :thumbsup:

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I like to think that my life has been a good one and then when my day of judgement comes that I will go through the pearly gates and that god will say "yes, you have been good so go through that door where all the good people go"


Now clearly animals must have souls (some people think they have intelligence) so what happens to animals when they die?


Do they go to heaven? surely not.


When I go through the gates into heaven and through the door where all the good people go I'd like to see rabbits and lambs happily playing. Surely you aren't going to see any crocodiles in heaven, or locusts, or even my neighbours horrible cat that used to trample all over my flowers.


Surely the good animals would be allowed to go to heaven and the bad ones go straight to hell?


SO yes I accept humans go to heaven and some nice animals, but surely not the evil ones? crocodiles in heaven? the mind boggles


Humans are probably the baddest animal on earth, so we must be going to hell.

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Depending on what you believe , God made the animals so why wouldn't they be in heaven he made the animals for his enjoyment and for ours too so who knows you will meet all sorts of animals you have never seen before.


Including tapeworms, roundworms, guinea worms, fleas lice, ticks, assorted parasites, germs & viruses?

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Depending on what you believe , God made the animals so why wouldn't they be in heaven he made the animals for his enjoyment and for ours too so who knows you will meet all sorts of animals you have never seen before.


So will a blue whale still look like a blue whale?

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Depending on what you believe , God made the animals so why wouldn't they be in heaven he made the animals for his enjoyment and for ours too so who knows you will meet all sorts of animals you have never seen before.


Then he changed his mind (as he was prone to doing) and gave us dominion over them to basically **** over as we see fit.


Also considering heaven (as Christians believe it, a nice, otherworldly place where (to quote Monty Python) everyone looks smart and wears a tie) is an exceptionally tenuous belief based on a few very open to interpret Biblical passages (and clearly in contradiction to others) it's very unlikely anyone will go there (and that's before we go into the even more tenuous belief that we have a 'soul')

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If animals were able to formulate a religion, they would surely depict the Devil as a human being.


Nah, my cat would have me as jesus, bringer of the food, tummy scratcher extraordinaire, protector from other evil cats and provider of warmth at night.

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