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Do all animals go to heaven when they die? I hope not

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Nah, my cat would have me as jesus, bringer of the food, tummy scratcher extraordinaire, protector from other evil cats and provider of warmth at night.


I suspect your cat would have you believe that while seeing him/herself as the real deity :D

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You are Cloister the Stupid (hope you get the reference!) :)


Indeed I do :hihi:


---------- Post added 16-03-2016 at 11:34 ----------


I suspect your cat would have you believe that while seeing him/herself as the real deity :D


I suspect you are right...:mad:

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Depending on what you believe , God made the animals so why wouldn't they be in heaven he made the animals for his enjoyment and for ours too so who knows you will meet all sorts of animals you have never seen before.


He must have tired of them because it is estimated that 99% of all species that have lived on earth (most of them before Man was here) are extinct, so they would only have enjoyed each other.


Whilst we have a few of them as pets, others supply our food. Most others are kept as far as possible from our houses, and can I see any eagerness to re-introduce the native wolf and bear back into the UK countryside.

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If reality is just a construct, as some scientists think, then heaven can be anything you want it to be, and if you want it to just have 'nice' animals, then so be it.


Scientists think or theories state?


They're two different things.


I know many religious scientists that believe one thing yet professionally are happy to stick to the facts.


If by scientists think you mean people can believe what they want regardless of the facts then that is perfectly fine, if you mean there is a theory that if you believe heaven to be a certain way then you will actually go there upon death I would like a link to the peer reviewed paper that suggests this if you don't mind.

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I'd be really looking forward to be reunited with my past dogs.


Less so to the ensuing eviction due to the ruckus and rabbit/hare/hedgehog/bird/squirrel/cat/<etc.> kill count.


But then, all 'hardcore' terriers are fundamentally bad (in a good way), so I wonder if any of them ever got in in the first place? :hihi:


EDIT: after a brief bit of introspection, moot question... I very much doubt I'd be going to heaven anyway, so I'll see 'em alright :D

Edited by L00b
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I like to think that my life has been a good one and then when my day of judgement comes that I will go through the pearly gates and that god will say "yes, you have been good so go through that door where all the good people go"


Now clearly animals must have souls (some people think they have intelligence) so what happens to animals when they die?


Do they go to heaven? surely not.


When I go through the gates into heaven and through the door where all the good people go I'd like to see rabbits and lambs happily playing. Surely you aren't going to see any crocodiles in heaven, or locusts, or even my neighbours horrible cat that used to trample all over my flowers.


Surely the good animals would be allowed to go to heaven and the bad ones go straight to hell?


SO yes I accept humans go to heaven and some nice animals, but surely not the evil ones? crocodiles in heaven? the mind boggles



When you take your last breath, bingo that's it. Done and dusted. There is more chance of you winning the national lottery 10 times on the trot than waking up in heaven.


As for the animals, sorry to disappoint you, like us oblivion waits.


Just my opinion, others may think differently.



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