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Do all animals go to heaven when they die? I hope not

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Surely god wouldn't allow these creatures into heaven would he?


What if a tick was to infect a serial killer? Technically the tick is 'bad' (in your view) but has carried out a positive public duty... surely it should be allowed in to Heaven?


(I'm aware that it's a ludicrous notion, I'm just keeping it in tune with the thread)


What would make you happier is to understand that there is no God, Heaven and Hell - we're just dust and bones in the end - so there's nothing to actually get hung up about. Just enjoy your time on Earth, be the best person you can be and don't panic about anything after because there's nothing after to be worried about.

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SO yes I accept humans go to heaven and some nice animals, but surely not the evil ones? crocodiles in heaven? the mind boggles


Perhaps you can explain how crocodiles are evil? (Ignoring all the rest of the questions about evidence for souls, heaven or any kind of afterlife, etc...)

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Perhaps you can explain how crocodiles are evil? (Ignoring all the rest of the questions about evidence for souls, heaven or any kind of afterlife, etc...)


They're not cuddly.

Cuddly animals go to heaven I assume. Anything that makes you go "awwww how cute".

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I can't stand them! I really really hate them and i know it's wrong to hate another creature but ffs what is their purpose??


They are the gardener's friend as they kill so many pests that eat plants. Also they are master builders whose nests are works of art.

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