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Primary school violence to teachers on the rise. What can be done.

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I think the confusion comes because they can be the same.


Hit:- bring one's hand or a tool or weapon into contact with (someone or something) quickly and forcefully.


Smack:- a sharp slap or blow, typically one given with the palm of the hand.


Slap:- hit or strike with the palm of the hand or a flat object.


You're a promoter of child abuse.

Edited by Halibut
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You're a promoter of child abuse.

Just about every animal uses physical chastisement of their young so is there no context or culture at all where it is permissable, or is it always child abuse?


Were you ever smacked or did your parents use mental punishments on you?

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Just about every animal uses physical chastisement of their young so is there no context or culture at all where it is permissible, or is it always child abuse?



I don't think any of them use tools in order to chastise, so its not a major beating. Yes, young animals get into disagreements with others that can be violent.

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A child as said before always needs to know where that line is and in the home he or she must be offered options like,"if you do that again I will smack you".If the child does cross the line then the threat has to be carried out,likewise it can work the other way round ,"if you behave yourselves today I will give you a treat".and if they do not behave the treat will not be forthcoming,but if they do the treat must be given.Children on their learning cycle need to know where the line is and know the consequences if they cross.We are talking generally here you are always going to get the very odd exception where discipline is an unknown word.

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You're a promoter of child abuse.


You're crazy/trying to be controversial. I know it's the latter, but the former is an alternative.


I disagree with hitting children. Always have, always will. I'll never hit my child to discipline her, and thankfully it seems unlikely I'd ever need to anyway.


That said, if I saw someone using that form of discipline on a bus, not that I catch buses, I'd disapprove, but I wouldn't call the police. If they think that it's okay to smack their child on the bum to discipline, I don't agree, but I wouldn't call the police.


If I saw someone sexually abuse their child on a bus, I would, as would any right minded person.


There's a difference between what we might think morally wrong (smacking, piercing children's ears, swearing in front of children - all of which I find hideous) and what's criminally wrong (sexual abuse of children).


I would no more call the police to someone having their child's ear pierced at 3, which I find equally abhorrent than I would someone smacking them on the bum for "discipline". Nor would you, unless you like wasting police time.


I don't for one fraction of a second believe that you would. You're just trying to be "that controversial one from the forum", which of course you're at liberty to do.

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I have managed to raise a child without ever using violence. I imagine if a parent does chastise a child, it is because they have lost their temper - not the end of the world but I doubt that the child benefits from it. I would not hit my dog either because that could make the animal fearful and aggressive.

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I have managed to raise a child without ever using violence. I imagine if a parent does chastise a child, it is because they have lost their temper - not the end of the world but I doubt that the child benefits from it. I would not hit my dog either because that could make the animal fearful and aggressive.


You can physically chastise someone without loosing your temper or getting angry.


That would rather depend on how often and how hard you hit your dog and how much love you showed your dog, a nose tap for doing something it shouldn't be doing isn't going to make it aggressive or fearful of you.

Edited by sutty27
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This post has scared me a little bit to be honest. I cannot get my head around why anyone would advocate smacking children. To me a parent that smacks children is a parent that cannot control their anger and cannot deal with situations with resorting to violence.


How can anyone think being violent to a child stops the child from being violent it's beyond backwards and sickens me. Probably the same people that clammer for the death penalty every time there's a crime they don't like.

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This post has scared me a little bit to be honest. I cannot get my head around why anyone would advocate smacking children. To me a parent that smacks children is a parent that cannot control their anger and cannot deal with situations with resorting to violence.


How can anyone think being violent to a child stops the child from being violent it's beyond backwards and sickens me. Probably the same people that clammer for the death penalty every time there's a crime they don't like.


Nail on the head Danny_Boy.

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