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Primary school violence to teachers on the rise. What can be done.

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This post has scared me a little bit to be honest. I cannot get my head around why anyone would advocate smacking children. To me a parent that smacks children is a parent that cannot control their anger and cannot deal with situations with resorting to violence.


How can anyone think being violent to a child stops the child from being violent it's beyond backwards and sickens me. Probably the same people that clammer for the death penalty every time there's a crime they don't like.


You appear unable to control your emotions, that lack of ability is more likely to result in you using violence when you loose control of your emotions.

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You appear unable to control your emotions, that lack of ability is more likely to result in you using violence when you loose control of your emotions.


I am not, I control my emotions well. I find I can discipline my children without causing them physical pain or emotional fear.


I'll let you into a little tip that I was told when my ex partner was pregnant "if you make a threat, follow it through".


So when I tell them if they do something again they can't go out and play, if they do it again they don't go out to play. I constantly reward good behaviour as well which works really well, ten years without raising my hand kind of proves you wrong :thumbsup:

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I am not, I control my emotions well. I find I can discipline my children without causing them physical pain or emotional fear.


I'll let you into a little tip that I was told when my ex partner was pregnant "if you make a threat, follow it through".


So when I tell them if they do something again they can't go out and play, if they do it again they don't go out to play. I constantly reward good behaviour as well which works really well, ten years without raising my hand kind of proves you wrong :thumbsup:


So you withhold something that is good for both their emotional and physical well-being as a form of punishment, and you don't think you are causing them any harm, the mind boggles.


My adult children prove you wrong.

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So you withhold something that is good for both their emotional and physical well-being as a form of punishment, and you don't think you are causing them any harm, the mind boggles.


My adult children prove you wrong.


It was an example it's actually normally not allowing them access to their iPads but yes I have grounded them on occasion. Your adult children prove nothing you have absolutely no idea how they would have turned out had you not smacked them. Perhaps they'd be exactly the same and all those times you hurt them were pointless and just cruel, you'll never know.

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It was an example it's actually normally not allowing them access to their iPads but yes I have grounded them on occasion. Your adult children prove nothing you have absolutely no idea how they would have turned out had you not smacked them. Perhaps they'd be exactly the same and all those times you hurt them were pointless and just cruel, you'll never know.


All the evidence points to the fact they wouldn't have done as well at school and further education, they wouldn't have been as successful now they are adults, they might have ended up smoking, drinking, doing drugs and going to prison if not for my earlier interventions in the behaviour.


I didn't need to make threats to encourage them to behave, I never grounded them or stopped them from taking part in play, sport and other activities that they enjoyed, because by the time they were old to take part in such activities they had already been trained in how to behave.


You obviously failed if you still have to make threats.

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What is triggering this?


I know sometimes that feng shoey can be an issue, ie the position of the furniture.


If the chairs are in the wrong position bad vibes come into the room. If you take away the tables and chairs then the negative vibes can float away.


That's one theory


My mate down the pub says they need to bring back the cane

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All the evidence points to the fact they wouldn't have done as well at school and further education, they wouldn't have been as successful now they are adults, they might have ended up smoking, drinking, doing drugs and going to prison if not for my earlier interventions in the behaviour.


I didn't need to make threats to encourage them to behave, I never grounded them or stopped them from taking part in play, sport and other activities that they enjoyed, because by the time they were old to take part in such activities they had already been trained in how to behave.


You obviously failed if you still have to make threats.


Are you really saying that striking children stops them smoking, drinking and taking drugs? I'm not going into further details of my friends or my personal life on here but I can categorically state that you are wrong!


Well done on having grown up children you're proud of hopefully both my daughters will be the same without me having to resort to violence. As long as they're happy though I will be too, whatever they decide to do.

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Are you really saying that striking children stops them smoking, drinking and taking drugs? I'm not going into further details of my friends or my personal life on here but I can categorically state that you are wrong!


Well done on having grown up children you're proud of hopefully both my daughters will be the same without me having to resort to violence. As long as they're happy though I will be too, whatever they decide to do.


No I'm not saying that and what you are doing is far worse for their emotional and physical well being, but everyone to their own, I hope your methods get the results you desire.

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