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Working for a benefit funded lifestyle.

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He did the calculation and then pointed out that he hadn't included travel expenses. Which are completely variable and might well be nothing.


But equally could mean someone working has less disposable income than someone not working and claiming benefits.

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You're having to invent reasons that they might have no more disposable income than someone claiming benefits, we can invent such reasons for anyone on any income.


I didn't invent the reason, the reason actually exists and does actually affect some workers.

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He did the calculation and then pointed out that he hadn't included travel expenses. Which are completely variable and might well be nothing.


It doesn't stop at travel expenses, there's other expenses which were mentioned in addition to Sutty's post.


Things that gradually eat into low income salaries over time creating a - 'rob Peter to pay paul' method of getting by.

This might well lead to missed payments on direct debits and standing orders through insufficient funds resulting in fines etc. This might well be the actual reality Cyclone.

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  • 10 months later...
biggest benefit hm queen

Untrue, since you mean it in a derogatory way. She earns nothing and is not in a position to earn anything (plus she's 90 yrs. old); and her so-called wealth is not hers personally.


However: yes, she- and the hereditary monarchy- is indeed the biggest benefit that the UK enjoys.

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Untrue, since you mean it in a derogatory way. She earns nothing and is not in a position to earn anything (plus she's 90 yrs. old); and her so-called wealth is not hers personally.


However: yes, she- and the hereditary monarchy- is indeed the biggest benefit that the UK enjoys.


What about our beautiful countryside, equable climate, and, for the most part, great people.

I think those things are of far greater value than an outdated monarchy.


Though I must admit that Charles' tacit slagging off of Trump was a welcome thing. Life in the old dog yet.

Shame about his adultery, and vegetarianism. ;)

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