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Working for a benefit funded lifestyle.

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The entire thread is based on the opinions and thoughts that those who watch channel five benefits bashing programs have.


Stop attaching your own personal sentiment to any views I might hold.


I don't begrudge anyone their benefit entitlements, nor am I criticising the system, so stop suggesting that you know otherwise.


This thread is addressing the socially observable similarities between the lifestyles and finances of life-choice benefit claimants and low income workers and questions whether the working for relatively the same quality of lifestyle as someone who doesn't work is worth its while or indeed the sensible thing to do.

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The pay gap between the lowest paid workers and countless benefit claimants is quite narrow, leaving many benefit claimants no worse off than someone who works a forty hour week

Are we supposed to accept this as true just because you claimed it was so?


The entire thread is based on your unsupported statements, which is what I've been questioning and which you've failed to demonstrate are true.

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Are we supposed to accept this as true just because you claimed it was so?


The entire thread is based on your unsupported statements, which is what I've been questioning and which you've failed to demonstrate are true.


Cyclone. Why do you persist in deliberately trying to pass yourself off as someone who's oblivious to this situation, which, incidentally, didn't spring into being following a chanel 5, benefit bashing brainwashing campaign which seeped into the consciousness of social society and corrupted susceptible intellectuals overnight, there's actually an observable wide spread social acceptance of it.

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Its money they are entitle to! they are no stealing or tax evading. Mind your own business how they spent the money they are entitle to


Entitled to/ deserving of, hmmmm

I've been in full time employment for the last 33 years apart from an 11 day period following redundancy. I've no problem with benefits just people who decide to live on them without trying to get a job :-)

Edited by Avit
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I have never claimed any benefit in my lifetime. It is absolutely a necessity for our society and i fully support the benefits system.


I fully support it too and begrudge no one their entitlements. However, there are families whose lifestyles are relatively similar, too close for my liking, despite one being a benefit household and the other a low income working household. This is fact.


Personally, I believe this to be the reason some benefit claimants remain reluctant to come off benefits in favour of working in a low paying job that leaves them only marginally better off.


Expecting long term benefit claimants to Jack-in benefits and work 40 hr weeks for an additional few quid when an additional claim will suffice, on balance it's a no-brainer.


And yes, I do know people who use such tactics, just like I know others who'd sooner take any job than claim benefits indefinitely or claim fraudulently, but considering the tactics used in other sectors of society. I'm not sure whether that's testimony to the honourabilty or stupidity.

Edited by danot
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The pay gap between the lowest paid workers and countless benefit claimants is quite narrow, leaving many benefit claimants no worse off than someone who works a forty hour week so where's the sense in working to maintain a level of lifestyle that the family down the steet are given on a silver platter?


But why is their lifestyles so similar? Are low paid workers paid too little? Sounds a silly question I know but some might feel that you earn what you're worth, they might also share the views of others who feel that state benefits are too generous, too easy to abuse which is the primary reason too many benefit claimants choose this lifestyle as it's the better option, the sensible option considering the alternative offers little more? And assuming this is the case, can anyone blame them?


No , benefits are too high .

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