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Working for a benefit funded lifestyle.

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Cyclone. Why do you persist in deliberately trying to pass yourself off as someone who's oblivious to this situation, which, incidentally, didn't spring into being following a chanel 5, benefit bashing brainwashing campaign which seeped into the consciousness of social society and corrupted susceptible intellectuals overnight, there's actually an observable wide spread social acceptance of it.


I'm not trying to pass off as anything. And I'm not oblivious to anything. The situation you describe simply doesn't exist.

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No, it's rents that are too high.


Perhaps the foolish expectations of lowly unskilled oafs who happen to work for a living is ludicrously high?


You know the type. Just because they're not on benefits they think this country owes them a living.


---------- Post added 19-03-2016 at 15:57 ----------


I'm not trying to pass off as anything. And I'm not oblivious to anything. The situation you describe simply doesn't exist.


You're denying the existence of benefit households that'd be only marginally better off if they became working, low income household?

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Entitled to/ deserving of, hmmmm

I've been in full time employment for the last 33 years apart from an 11 day period following redundancy. I've no problem with benefits just people who decide to live on them without trying to get a job :-)


How many people like that do you think there are?

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How many people like that do you think there are?


How many corrupt politicians do you think there are? No need to answer that but please answer this.


Does not being able to answer that question discredit any truth in it?

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How many corrupt politicians do you think there are? No need to answer that but please answer this.


Does not being able to answer that question discredit any truth in it?


According to cyclones posting style unless you can produce three independant links proving their are exactly 453,428 people in that situation then your premise can be dismissed and none exist at all. If you do provide three independant links then he'll just stop replying to the thread and move on to his next tedious demand the bleeding obvious be proved to his satisfaction.

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Here's a couple of scenarios about benefits. A single person, male or female, loses their job in their late fifties or early sixties and can't find another. If they are in reasonable health they get around £70 a week to live on. Most of their rent and council tax will be paid, if they've got a mortgage they may be in a difficult situation. Hopefully they may have a few quid in the bank for emergencies, but life up to state pension age isn't looking great even though they may have worked and paid NI for forty years.


A young person who has a child, never worked or contributed will get more than twice that amount in income after housing costs. There won't be any pressure put on them to look for work, and if they have another child their income increases substantially.


As a housing worker I witnessed how living on benefits can be soul destroying for some, yet provide a better living than working for others. Just saying.

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