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Stronger males and weaker females

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Males in many species are taller, bigger or stronger; their whole life style is built around males being taller and stronger.

In todays modern world, people are equal, does this under-mind millions of years of evolution?

Women like stronger men, our whole society is based on power and wealth, do most women really just want to partner with an equal?

Equality will take many years to achieve.

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Males in many species are taller, bigger or stronger; their whole life style is built around males being taller and stronger.

In todays modern world, people are equal, does this under-mind millions of years of evolution?

Women like stronger men, our whole society is based on power and wealth, do most women really just want to partner with an equal?

Equality will take many years to achieve.


Wow. I really wish I could sit back and watch the fallout from this all day, I really do...


But just for a different perspective, seeing as you brought up the topic of evolution... It is a reasonably well considered fact that the human race is the only species on the planet that has evolved itself out of natural selection. We are no-longer subject to 'survival of the fittest'. Do you really think that people like Bill Gates would be one of the most wealthy and powerful people in the world back in the times you refer to, where bigger and stronger was the key?


Just a thought...

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Wow. I really wish I could sit back and watch the fallout from this all day, I really do...


But just for a different perspective, seeing as you brought up the topic of evolution... It is a reasonably well considered fact that the human race is the only species on the planet that has evolved itself out of natural selection. We are no-longer subject to 'survival of the fittest'. Do you really think that people like Bill Gates would be one of the most wealthy and powerful people in the world back in the times you refer to, where bigger and stronger was the key?


Just a thought...


Being the strongest wouldn't have been much use when killing a woolly mammoth, collaboration and improvisation were more effective and both need a degree of intelligence.

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Being the strongest wouldn't have been much use when killing a woolly mammoth, collaboration and improvisation were more effective and both need a degree of intelligence.


And thus the argument is exposed. Unless you are claiming that women are less intelligent, or able to collaborate or improvise, than men?

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I think that natural selection is still going on and wont care one iota - every biological system is subject to it and will continue to be so.


In that case, 'fittest' in our species now amounts to most intelligent, adaptive and creative - rather than strongest, tallest, fastest etc. And women are equally as capable at that as men are.


I've said before and I'll say again that women now hold themselves back by having babies. This tends to get in the way of career etc. In no way are they less capable to function in the modern world.

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Wow. I really wish I could sit back and watch the fallout from this all day, I really do...


But just for a different perspective, seeing as you brought up the topic of evolution... It is a reasonably well considered fact that the human race is the only species on the planet that has evolved itself out of natural selection. We are no-longer subject to 'survival of the fittest'. Do you really think that people like Bill Gates would be one of the most wealthy and powerful people in the world back in the times you refer to, where bigger and stronger was the key?


Just a thought...


Gates is stronger than many people in that he has the skills to develop an OS and market it effectively. Lots of people in the US are extremely impoverished, and I have always thought part of the reason is they don't like helping weaker members of their society. So there is a selection at play (though I suppose it does not affect whether you can have children, like it might have in ancient times).

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And thus the argument is exposed. Unless you are claiming that women are less intelligent, or able to collaborate or improvise, than men?


They didn't do the hunting so add a different set of skills that still involved intelligence, collaboration and the ability to improvise.

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Males in many species are taller, bigger or stronger; their whole life style is built around males being taller and stronger.

In todays modern world, people are equal, does this under-mind millions of years of evolution?

Women like stronger men, our whole society is based on power and wealth, do most women really just want to partner with an equal?

Equality will take many years to achieve.


The power and wealth you refer to above has got very little if anything to do with the physical aspects that you mention.

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Males in many species are taller, bigger or stronger; their whole life style is built around males being taller and stronger.

In todays modern world, people are equal, does this under-mind millions of years of evolution?

Women like stronger men, our whole society is based on power and wealth, do most women really just want to partner with an equal?

Equality will take many years to achieve.

I think you've posted this in the wrong section. Try here.

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