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PIP in a real mess.

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After watching question time last evening, it seems the PIP idea may be a lame duck. The Conservative member of the panel says it is not a done deal and is still been assessed and open to discussion. It has been said by some that the Government is back tracking and this programme was proof that it is not a done deal. Was the Honourable member on question time just saying what Cameroon had told her to say, she did tie herself in knots more than once.



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I don't think its been proved one way or another.


PIP is quite rightly being monitored and may even be changed. Its no different to any other benefit. They should be constantly open to consultation and amendment. The world changes, life changes and we need to change with it.


If the government has made a balls up of it, then of course, they should cease immediately and get it into shape.


HOWEVER. There are SOME people out there who are receiving monies for things they don't need, don't use and (dare I say it) don't deserve. There are SOME people who claim for things when they could easily afford not to.


Controversial as cuts are, I am disgusted by this knee jerk reaction from certain media outlets and rent a mob organisations with ludicrous statements such as "attack on the disabled" "scum government" and a certain bearded old fart whose turn of phrase was as exaggerated as "declared war". None of this lot have said one thing about what THEY would do to solve the problem.


Its clear that whatever the Tory MP said on Question Time is not the supported by any statement or even suggestion from the PM, Chancellor or the rest of the cabinet. I suspect she will be regretting opening her gob so loosely without some facts to back it up.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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After watching question time last evening, it seems the PIP idea may be a lame duck. The Conservative member of the panel says it is not a done deal and is still been assessed and open to discussion. It has been said by some that the Government is back tracking and this programme was proof that it is not a done deal. Was the Honourable member on question time just saying what Cameroon had told her to say, she did tie herself in knots more than once.


She has been mentioned as a leadership contender, so she was trying not to be too nasty, instead she just appeared shaky.

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Controversial as cuts are, I am disgusted by this knee jerk reaction from certain media outlets and rent a mob organisations with ludicrous statements such as "attack on the disabled" "scum government"


Well you be disgusted about that and the rest of us will be disgusted about disabled people having over £4bn taken from them in cuts (making them the largest losers from the Budget), with 350,000 people expected to lose up to £3500 a year, whilst at the very same time Osborne is handing out tax cuts with 80% of the money that will cost going to people who regardless of what he might claim aren't middle earners but in the top 20% of earners in this country.


If there was a need for benefit cuts then he wouldn't be flinging around the money he's supposed to be saving in tax cuts. This was their choice, not a necessity.


Honestly, go read the IFS analysis and find something worth being disgusted about.

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There seems to be a bit of a rethink.


"Planned changes to disability benefits will be "kicked into the long grass", according to a government source.

Chancellor George Osborne faced criticism over the cuts announced last week, which were likely to affect some 640,000 people."


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There seems to be a bit of a rethink.


"Planned changes to disability benefits will be "kicked into the long grass", according to a government source.

Chancellor George Osborne faced criticism over the cuts announced last week, which were likely to affect some 640,000 people."



Yup, it looks like another U turn by Dastardly and Mutly :hihi:

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