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PIP in a real mess.

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This thread and so many others goes a long way to prove my point.


The petty namecalling, insulting and venom spit about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING the Tories do.


I swear to god, they could give every benefit claimant a totally universal non means tested 6 bedroomed house, free car and £5000 cash each month and the left wing would still complain about "nasty tory party scum"


They are doing what THEY think is right. They have a huge financial hole and they are trying to reduce public spending. Now, I will fully agree that sometimes they get it badly wrong. All governments have been guilty of massive u turns and embarrassing defeats when they try to bring in new policy. But is there really any need for such bile and childish reactions about someone doing their job.


God sake, the things are still in PLANNING. Nothing has been set in stone yet and the things are not due to come into effect until January NEXT YEAR.


They could be chopped, changed or abolished altogether before then.


IDS, Osborne, Cameron are entitled to their opinions and the opposition are entitled to theirs. But for god sake, lets focus on the ISSUE and SOLUTION not just create sensationalism, unnecessary venom and totally inaccurate speculation.


One fact does remain clear. Despite what the rent a gob crowd scream, SOME of those 300,000 or is it 600,000 or hey, lets make it up to a million "disabled" people who will be allegedly affected quite frankly deserve to have their benefit cut.


Not every disabled person needs support with everything. SOME disabled people have a good career and earn good money. Why should they be given benefits they don't need at a time when cuts have to be made.


The tax issue is not ALL about the high earners. A fact many of the media outlets are completely ignoring. The threshold raising means that many many of the lowest earners workers pay no tax at all on their earnings. Those on minimum wage full time posts will only pay around £60 a month. They will have more disposable income and most importantly, it rewards those who can work by making sure they have an incentive to work.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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See what I mean...


This thread and so many others goes a long way to prove my point.


The petty namecalling, insulting and venom spit about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING the Tories do.


I swear to god, they could give every benefit claimant a totally universal non means tested 6 bedroomed house, free car and £5000 cash each month and the left wing would still complain about "nasty tory party scum"


They are doing what THEY think is right. They have a huge financial hole and they are trying to reduce public spending. Now, I will fully agree that sometimes they get it badly wrong. All governments have been guilty of massive u turns and embarrassing defeats when they try to bring in new policy. But is there really any need for such bile and childish reactions about someone doing their job.


God sake, the things are still in PLANNING. Nothing has been set in stone yet and the things are not due to come into effect until January NEXT YEAR.


They could be chopped, changed or abolished altogether before then.


IDS, Osborne, Cameron are entitled to their opinions and the opposition are entitled to theirs. But for god sake, lets focus on the ISSUE and SOLUTION not just create sensationalism, unnecessary venom and totally inaccurate speculation.


One fact does remain clear. Despite what the rent a gob crowd scream, SOME of those 300,000 or is it 600,000 or hey, lets make it up to a million "disabled" people who will be allegedly affected quite frankly deserve to have their benefit cut.


Not every disabled person needs support with everything. SOME disabled people have a good career and earn good money. Why should they be given benefits they don't need at a time when cuts have to be made.


The tax issue is not ALL about the high earners. A fact many of the media outlets are completely ignoring. The threshold raising means that many many of the lowest grade workers will pay no tax at all on their earnings. They will have more disposable income and most importantly, it rewards those who can work by making sure they have an incentive to work.


go get a beer, chill out, and get over the shock :hihi:

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See what I mean...


This thread and so many others goes a long way to prove my point.


The petty namecalling, insulting and venom spit about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING the Tories do.


I swear to god, they could give every benefit claimant a totally universal non means tested 6 bedroomed house, free car and £5000 cash each month and the left wing would still complain about "nasty tory party scum"


They are doing what THEY think is right. They have a huge financial hole and they are trying to reduce public spending. Now, I will fully agree that sometimes they get it badly wrong. All governments have been guilty of massive u turns and embarrassing defeats when they try to bring in new policy. But is there really any need for such bile and childish reactions about someone doing their job.


God sake, the things are still in PLANNING. Nothing has been set in stone yet and the things are not due to come into effect until January NEXT YEAR.


They could be chopped, changed or abolished altogether before then.


IDS, Osborne, Cameron are entitled to their opinions and the opposition are entitled to theirs. But for god sake, lets focus on the ISSUE and SOLUTION not just create sensationalism, unnecessary venom and totally inaccurate speculation.


One fact does remain clear. Despite what the rent a gob crowd scream, SOME of those 300,000 or is it 600,000 or hey, lets make it up to a million "disabled" people who will be allegedly affected quite frankly deserve to have their benefit cut.


Not every disabled person needs support with everything. SOME disabled people have a good career and earn good money. Why should they be given benefits they don't need at a time when cuts have to be made.


The tax issue is not ALL about the high earners. A fact many of the media outlets are completely ignoring. The threshold raising means that many many of the lowest earners workers pay no tax at all on their earnings. Those on minimum wage full time posts will only pay around £60 a month. They will have more disposable income and most importantly, it rewards those who can work by making sure they have an incentive to work.


I don't konw much about PIP, I assumed it would be means tested, I checked based on your comment and found that it isn't.


It is not a means-tested benefit – so you can claim it no matter what your income is – and PIP is not taxable.


So a millionaire can claim PIP,


Does anyone know if the plans were to means test it and take it away from those people that clearly don't need it.

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Not just this government.


Critics have previously warned that successive Governments have failed to reform disability welfare payments because of the sensitivity of the issue.


Tony Blair in 1997 faced protests outside Downing Street over plans to reform welfare payments to the disabled.


---------- Post added 18-03-2016 at 22:22 ----------


Juts read this and it looks reasonable to me.




The government is changing the assessment criteria for the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to ensure the system is fairer with money targeted at those who need it most.


Paul Gray’s independent review found that the assessment criteria may not be working as planned. A subsequent review of cases by DWP health professionals identified that a significant number of people are likely to be getting the benefit despite having minimal to no ongoing daily living extra costs.


DWP health professionals reviewed a number of these cases and in 96% of them the likely ongoing extra costs of daily living were nil, low or minimal.

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Its clear that whatever the Tory MP said on Question Time is not the supported by any statement or even suggestion from the PM, Chancellor or the rest of the cabinet. I suspect she will be regretting opening her gob so loosely without some facts to back it up.


egg on face time eh :hihi::hihi:

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