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Claywood flats


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What are you on about? "make time to squat"?? :loopy:


These flats are empty awaiting demolition, so what's your beef?#


Are you suggesting that the council gives second hand bug infested, damp ridden, pidgeon poo covered furniture that doesn't beleong to them to other people? Wow, I bet they would feel honoured!

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I mean as i work 37 hrs pw i wouldnt have time where as image has duhhhhh!




Are you suggesting that the council gives second hand bug infested, damp ridden, pidgeon poo covered furniture that doesn't beleong to them to other people? Wow, I bet they would feel honoured!


so r you telling me the council buy them in this state? if so "i bet the claywood tennants were honoured" if not then who the bloody hell let them get in this state??? council by any chance! If claywood was emptied as soon as the tennants were out the furnature wouldnt have being in this state. And i for 1 (being a firt time leaver homer) would have being gratefull for this. However spose sheffield can afford to throw decent money down the pan cant it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well for starters, I would imagine that the furniture doesn't belong to the council, so it's not theirs to give away. Secondly, how can you guarantee the safety of the furniture if you give it to other people?


The Council has responsibilities for little technical details like Health & Safety, unlike those who break into private property.

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WELL... all the beds are printed in red SHEFFIELD HOUSING material and all the other furnature the council give out is stamped on the underside with property of sheffield city council do not remove as my friends flat is furnished by them, shes moving in to her own private flat soon and has being sent a letter stating she will be fined if any of the furniture is taken

she will be fined. Im assuming that the claywood tennants will have recieved the same letters which is why the furnature was still there. Why didnt the council sent letters saying they could take the furniture if they sighd a indemnity form ( council wasnt held responsible for the furnature once it was taken) it would hell of a lot more resourcefull than letting them rot!!

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Maybe if people didn't break into the flats the furniture would be ok?


I still don't accept your argument anyway. Why is it the Councils responsibility to give your friend new furniture? Can I have some too?

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That about my friend wasnt the original point as i think other people on the forum will recognise.My point was to say me and my boyfiend pay council tax, wage tax and then 17.5 tax on everything we buy id like to think my money was going on more important things that ****ty furniture full stop.However it just diggs the knife in more when you see pics like this of what our long earned cash is being wasted on. At least if the furnature was passed on to someone who really needed it id feel that it wasnt such a big waste.

so if all your going to do is stub my points because you cant think of any usefull points to state yourself then dont bother replying...............................

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Which points weren't useful? The ones about health and safety, or the ones about ownership, or the ones about breaking and entering?


I do agree with you that things shouldn't go to waste. I was just pointing out that it's not that simple.

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health and safety yea but they get granted health and safety for the bodge jobs and dodgey electrics in houses like my aunty who had a new circuit board fitted WITHOUT a front pannell on so bare wires were all over shes got 2 kids and complained to the council they said that its all passsed on health and safety, my blokes an sparky and he went mad they had put a shower which depending on power should be run on at least a 12 mil cable on a cable big enough to power a TV. She's baught the house now my bloke re-wired it and said it was a death trap! So they cant care much for health and safety. Ownership like i said they own the lot. And breaking and entering they put security guards on an old falling down empty grammer school but not 5 sets of high rise furnished flats nahhh

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So we do agree that they have a responsibility for health and safety too! You see - we're not too far apart really :)


It sounds like the council should keep better tabs on their cowboy standard employees and electrical sub-contractors though.

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