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Iain Duncan Smith resigns from Cabinet

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Let's face it, Osborne has failed to deal with the deficit and has borrowed record amounts in office, when he promised the deficit would be over under the coalition.


Problem is, he's not getting the tax returns because too many people are on zero hour contracts, which is also part of why unemployment is coming down, but at what price?


Very well summarised. It's a death spiral of low wages and job insecurity leading to poor tax receipts leading to more austerity leading to low wages and job insecurity....

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Just been released on the BBC, and in doing so it looks like he may not be the total draconian **** that we all thought him to be.


It appears that the PIP cut backs were the final straw for him.


---------- Post added 18-03-2016 at 21:12 ----------


In resigning he sent a 2 page letter which explained that he felt that the austerity cuts had become a politically self imposed set of cuts which met no real aim, and which appeared in this week's budget to be accompanied by tax cuts for the well paid, which he believes is a step too far. (source live BBC News channel 2100 Fri 18/3/16)


I'm a bit astonished really, as he was used for a number of years as the spokesperson of all of the nasty cuts and he appeared to be OK with that. It would have made me feel entirely differently about it all had I known that he was struggling with how to present an imposed decision with which he did not agree.

What comes around goes around, now were that single malt have been saving for a special occasion?
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In my opinion no minister has done more damage to the the sick and disabled than Duncan Smith-over the last 6 years. HE was RESPONSIBLE!


Hear Hear, He'd done that when he put bedroom tax on lots

of disable when they needed an extra room for there belongings.

Sad Smith :gag:

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I don't think even the libdems are that daft. Lib/Tory pact in 2020. We all need to calm down a bit. Minister resigns. Backbenchers in a bit of a tizz. That's pretty standard conservative government stuff. it will result in a policy u turn and Rory bremner might need to learn a few more voices.


Nothing to see here.


I doubt very much that the Lib Dems will ever get into bed with the Tories again after what the Tories did to them last time.


A Lib-Labour pact might actually be quite a good combination.

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He never gave a toss about cuts to disabled benefits in the past and he doesn't give a toss now. He's just positioning himself for leader in a post Brexit government.


The sad thing is Universal Credit is a good idea, but every govt is useless at procuring decent IT so it was always on a hiding to nothing.


Anyway, the "quiet man" has gone...nobody will mourn his passing.

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He never gave a toss about cuts to disabled benefits in the past and he doesn't give a toss now. He's just positioning himself for leader in a post Brexit government.


The sad thing is Universal Credit is a good idea, but every govt is useless at procuring decent IT so it was always on a hiding to nothing.


Anyway, the "quiet man" has gone...nobody will mourn his passing.


Totally agree that it has little if anything to do with the disability issue.


The pensions secretary who worked for him has said as much.


He would have known about this for months and probably had a say in how it was formulated.


Why wait till now to resign,there are obviously other things at work more than likely Brexit related.


Whatever your views to do what he did in the way he did shows he is, even by politicians standards very untrustworthy imo.

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