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Iain Duncan Smith resigns from Cabinet

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Just been released on the BBC, and in doing so it looks like he may not be the total draconian **** that we all thought him to be.


It appears that the PIP cut backs were the final straw for him.


Which is of course what he wants people to think. This is about the referendum and jockeying for position in the post-Cameron government that will follow whatever the result and damaging Osborne's chances, nothing more.


It's laughable that he writes about how the Budget shouldn't be making the rich richer whilst people on benefits are being target with the pain when that's been exactly what has happened in every single Budget and Review Osborne has ever carried out and IDS actually celebrated the announcement of those cuts.

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Which is of course what he wants people to think. This is about the referendum and jockeying for position in the post-Cameron government that will follow whatever the result and damaging Osborne's chances, nothing more.


It's laughable that he writes about how the Budget shouldn't be making the rich richer whilst people on benefits are being target with the pain when that's been exactly what has happened in every single Budget and Review Osborne has ever carried out and IDS actually celebrated the announcement of those cuts.


Well, I guess we'll see won't we? It's not like I'd ever vote for the man, don't get me wrong, I'm not singing his praises, just potentially making fewer wax dolls of him :)

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Well, I guess we'll see won't we? It's not like I'd ever vote for the man, don't get me wrong, I'm not singing his praises, just potentially making fewer wax dolls of him :)


cos theyve doubled the tax on the wax?

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Just been released on the BBC, and in doing so it looks like he may not be the total draconian **** that we all thought him to be.


It appears that the PIP cut backs were the final straw for him.


---------- Post added 18-03-2016 at 21:12 ----------


In resigning he sent a 2 page letter which explained that he felt that the austerity cuts had become a politically self imposed set of cuts which met no real aim, and which appeared in this week's budget to be accompanied by tax cuts for the well paid, which he believes is a step too far. (source live BBC News channel 2100 Fri 18/3/16)


I'm a bit astonished really, as he was used for a number of years as the spokesperson of all of the nasty cuts and he appeared to be OK with that. It would have made me feel entirely differently about it all had I known that he was struggling with how to present an imposed decision with which he did not agree.

Im with you, im shocked. Maybe I got him wrong and he was the stooge for all the cuts. You know, doing his bit for the party whilst not entirely agreeing with it but going along for the greater good?

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