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Iain Duncan Smith resigns from Cabinet

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When someone's benefits are cut by the DWP it is either justified or an error, there are no government policies that tell them make deliberate errors.


Ok, so how about allowing the person to keep the same level of benefits while the appeal is heard? Would encourage the government to speed up the process then wouldn't it and wouldn't push that person into a crisis for months just to then be told that they made a mistake and indeed you do qualify for the extra support...

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Oh dear, it seems IDS's replacement has skeletons in the cupboard...Working the system.




Hmm, I wonder what would happen if someone claiming benefits tried to play the system like he has, I wonder what the likes of the Daily Mail and people on here would say?...:suspect:

Perhaps Channel 5 could do a series of documentaries about the 'plight' of our poor MPs and how they play the system to their advantage.

Edited by Mister M
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Hmm, I wonder what would happen if someone claiming benefits tried to play the system like he has, I wonder what the likes of the Daily Mail and people on here would say?...:suspect:

Perhaps Channel 5 could do a series of documentaries about the 'plight' of our poor MPs and how they play the system to their advantage.


It just wreaks of sleaze. Wasn't it John Major's government brought down by (amongst other things) accusations of sleaze?


It's pretty clear he's been 'playing' the system, and was advised (according to him) by the people that are supposed to regulate it all. Which is even worse.


In answer to your question. If a benefit claimant tried it, they'd be 'sanctioned'...While it's investigated.

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Let me give an example just to see if I can stop banging my head against a wall.


One of my relatives with a mental health condition used to go to a work placement each day. He could not self travel unsupervised so his PIP budget had an element for taxi accounts, support worker and/or LD Service buses to take him to and from work. Last year he suffered some physical degenerative change and could no longer go to work every day. He now only does 2 days a week.


His PIP review reduced his monthly monies by around £150. That obviously created quite a drop in his bank balance.




So, if his condition has deteriorated, (and my commiserations about that,) his money has deteriorated too? That doesn't seem fair to me. He may only work 2 days a week, but he must have needs on the other 5 days, possibly more so since his condition has worsened.

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