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Iain Duncan Smith resigns from Cabinet

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Im with you, im shocked. Maybe I got him wrong and he was the stooge for all the cuts. You know, doing his bit for the party whilst not entirely agreeing with it but going along for the greater good?


Whilst I would like to think that he finally realised the Tory Party is too evil even for him, I suspect it has more to do with the EU referendum or him coming under increasing pressure over the total hash he has made of Universal Credit. I'm still crapping on his grave.

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Im with you, im shocked. Maybe I got him wrong and he was the stooge for all the cuts. You know, doing his bit for the party whilst not entirely agreeing with it but going along for the greater good?


The Nuremberg defence?

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To all those popping the champagne over IDS resigning I just got to ask one question.


Who are you wanting to take over the role of Work and Pensions Secretary from Monday??


Better the devil you know and all that.


Some of you OTT people who are currently "glad he has gone" and excited about "crapping on his grave" might be thinking different when you find out who replaces him next week.

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To all those popping the champagne over IDS resigning I just got to ask one question.

Who are you wanting to take over the role of Work and Pensions Secretary from Monday??


Better the devil you know and all that.


Some of you OTT people who are currently "glad he has gone" and excited about "crapping on his grave" might be thinking different when you find out who replaces him next week.


Jeremy Corbyn :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I think that ship has sailed, but I agree there is some other agenda here. Methinks he has protested too much.


I agree, he has been happy enough to pile the misery on to ill and disabled people for 6 years, why balk now? Although it is good of him to point out that the budget was about taking from disabled people and giving it to high earners. That really is low.

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