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Iain Duncan Smith resigns from Cabinet

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To all those popping the champagne over IDS resigning I just got to ask one question.


Who are you wanting to take over the role of Work and Pensions Secretary from Monday??


Better the devil you know and all that.


Some of you OTT people who are currently "glad he has gone" and excited about "crapping on his grave" might be thinking different when you find out who replaces him next week.


I wonder if any of them know anything about his reforms, or how the whole thing is supposed to work?

I don't fancy the chances of anyone who tries to take it on.

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I wonder if any of them know anything about his reforms, or how the whole thing is supposed to work?

I don't fancy the chances of anyone who tries to take it on.

wish I could take it on anna id probably balls it up but who cares id pocket 75 grand in my hip pocket:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Just been released on the BBC, and in doing so it looks like he may not be the total draconian **** that we all thought him to be.


It appears that the PIP cut backs were the final straw for him.

Someone had better go and check on Duncan's horses...

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Where are all the Tories tonight:huh:


I know. What a difference 48 hours makes.


Massive opportunity for Labour, LibDems, SNP and the Greens here. Get the Tory scumbag government on the back foot and make them squirm.

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It may have been the perfect opportunity to drop the poisoned chalice that W&P had become. Lets be honest, who in their right mind would want this job at the moment? A few front benchers may have their mobiles off this weekend.:)


ANY senior Tory on TV and they seem to stir things up, big time, that is why we rarely see them.

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