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Iain Duncan Smith resigns from Cabinet

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pull up a chair, get yourself a beer, and get your hand in the bowl that contains the crisps......and clunk your can against mine :hihi:


If I'd pulled up a beer and got my hand in crisps whenever the lefties get excited over nothing, I'd probably be fat.


I'm still sat eating popcorn from the thread after the last election but one, in the 'Crosspool heist thread', that claimed this would become common now the baddies were in.


I'm just wondering why isn't Anna posting that this is a cover up for the sugar-tax fiasco?!

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We were due for some good news.


For some reason Jeremy Corbyn is morphing into the southern comfort guy in the beach advert :)


.. no, he's really not. He's not even morphing into someone remotely capable of holding the Government to account yet.

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I think that ship has sailed, but I agree there is some other agenda here. Methinks he has protested too much.


The second I heard it I though 'Universal Credits'


UC is a classic example of a good idea ruined by big business whispering in the ears of politicians. The huge self-servicing IT solution that the government bought in to was doomed to failure from the start. The IT is too difficult (why do they never study their own form on big IT projects?) and the clientèle who would have to use it are too simple. I think the penny dropped for IDS some time ago and he has been looking for an excuse to give up the poisoned chalice without his reputation being completely destroyed. Disability benefits cuts... that'll do nicely.


I'm expecting the government to hit back at IDS in an attempt to deflect as much UC embarrassment onto him as possible. Must always seize the opportunity to blame the man who has just left. Should be an announcement fairly soon.


As for this being a career ending moment for Osborne, or an election losing decision for the Tories, I think that is just wishful thinking by those on the Left. The fact is that disability benefits are way down the list of issues bothering the public and don't decided the outcome of elections. Immigration, the economy and the NHS are what still matter and in the eyes of most of the electorate the Labour party cannot be trusted on at least two out of three. Or perhaps more accurately, they trust Labour less than the Tories... I think all the main-steam parties have lost huge amounts of trust in the eyes of the public.

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You do realise that over 11 million citizens voted for that so called "scumbag" government.


That was just under 2 million more than the lead opposition and over 1.3 million more than the all the other parties combined.


No one realises than other than you because it isn't true. The Tories got 37% of the vote which cannot be more than all the other parties combined. If they had got over 50% of the vote their majority would have been a bit bigger than 9.

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But people have a legitimate complaint, because they are not doing what they said they would do.


Their biggest promise was to cut immigration and they broke it, that will loose them more votes than anything they do to benefits, the votes won't go to Labour though because we all know they will be even worse.

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Their biggest promise was to cut immigration and they broke it, that will loose them more votes than anything they do to benefits, the votes won't go to Labour though because we all know they will be even worse.


So that means that unless THEY change the voting system, the Tories will get in again.

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