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Iain Duncan Smith resigns from Cabinet

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To all those popping the champagne over IDS resigning I just got to ask one question.


Who are you wanting to take over the role of Work and Pensions Secretary from Monday??

Better the devil you know and all that.


Some of you OTT people who are currently "glad he has gone" and excited about "crapping on his grave" might be thinking different when you find out who replaces him next week.


Sometimes. Sometimes not.

Some people have small memories (small brains?)


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Sometimes. Sometimes not.

Some people have small memories (small brains?)



....Ministers insisted that the data could not be used to link claimant deaths to its welfare reforms....


...The DWP defended the accuracy of the WCA and said the statistics proved no causal effect between benefits and mortality. It said: “These isolated figures provide limited scope for analysis, and nothing can be gained from this publication that would allow the reader to form any judgment as to the effects or impacts of the WCA".....


What point you trying to make?


A study suggested that the welfare reforms COULD have been responsible for people's deaths. Others argued that the statistics DIDN'T PROVE any link.


Good luck trying to get IDS in Court for murdering disabled people on that one.

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I don't think IDS even knew how it was going to work.


Nobody knew how UC would work. Talk to anybody in IT circles who had the misfortune to work on it and they'll tell you it was never going to work.


Runs of the system were producing 5-10% error rates. If you have 5 million people claiming that is potentially 500,000 people making contact with the DWP every week or two, 500,000 claims to reprocess every few weeks. To work a claim out by hand could take an hour. The DWP was going to have to take on legions of support staff to deal with contacts and re-work claims if UC was rolled to the whole country.


Here I am talking as if UC is already dead. Well it probably is. Cue massive embarrassment for Cameron and Osborne for letting the mess continue, and big problems for Osborne as UC was supposed to deliver £6bn in savings

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Let's face it, Osborne has failed to deal with the deficit and has borrowed record amounts in office, when he promised the deficit would be over under the coalition.


Problem is, he's not getting the tax returns because too many people are on zero hour contracts, which is also part of why unemployment is coming down, but at what price?

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Let's face it, Osborne has failed to deal with the deficit and has borrowed record amounts in office, when he promised the deficit would be over under the coalition.


Problem is, he's not getting the tax returns because too many people are on zero hour contracts, which is also part of why unemployment is coming down, but at what price?


I think this is all going to unravel very quickly now. Definitely feels like there is some momentum building.

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Problem is, he's not getting the tax returns because too many people are on zero hour contracts, which is also part of why unemployment is coming down, but at what price?


being saying it for years poppet2 but to some on here these zhc are the bees knees :loopy: looks like new zealand have got the right idea http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/11/zero-hour-contracts-banned-in-new-zealand

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I think this is all going to unravel very quickly now. Definitely feels like there is some momentum building.


Momentum building towards what? Cameron resigns and chucks the keys to corbyn and ask him to have a go?


I'm no Tory (party politics is for stupid people) but I cannot fathom why a minister, particularly one as odious as Ian Duncan smith, resigns over (on the face of it at least) unfair policy and its a queue for a pile on. I don't get why that's something to be attacked with at least as much venom as the original policy. It's likely to lead to a u turn. Big deal, the tories have done more than a learner driver with a nervous disposition.

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