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Is this a sign that god does exist?

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On the grounds that religious people believe god is a super intelligent force who creates all life in his own image then the stupidity of your post proves that no such god can exist.




That's coffee all over my puter screen.

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A neighbours cat he was friendly towards humans and always came over for a stroke every morning which was fair enough, nice cat some might say.


But he was a prolific killer and many birds have been injured or maimed on peoples gardens as a result of this cat.


Over the past week the cat got ran over and lost his life (2012 - 2016 RIP).


Now the cat didn't need to hunt to get his food so he was killing for the sake of it. Do you think this could be a sign that god does exist?


He created a set of circumstances where the cat would lose its life, and created a chain of events to ensure this would happen


As I mentioned the cat was friendly, but he was a killer. Maybe god thought it was time to put an end to what was going on?


Cats are vicious predators by nature, and from my observations have limited road sense.


Why is any of this a surprise to you?


Did you pray for the cat to be run over?

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But maybe god has a plan?


OK the cat isn't on the same level as Stalin but in his own way some could say he was as bad as Stalin


So maybe god thought that this cat needed to be made an example of?


This place gets more and more surreal every day... :confused:


Incidentally, Stalin the cat has his own bookface page for those who might be interested in following his future exploits... :help:

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Please hide this topic from Alcoblog.


Who said that? What topic? Where? :suspect:


---------- Post added 20-03-2016 at 22:46 ----------



This place gets more and more surreal every day... :confused:


Incidentally, Stalin the cat has his own bookface page for those who might be interested in following his future exploits... :help:


I recently had a near miss with Putin the Penguin down in Hillsborough … he'd laced Marmite sandwiches with SARdINes, cheeky little blighter!

If it wasn't for the fact that he'd not cut the crusts off, I'd have snaffled 'em! :gag:

If anyone tries selling you sardine gas, give 'em a wide berth!

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Who said that? What topic? Where? :suspect:


---------- Post added 20-03-2016 at 22:46 ----------



I recently had a near miss with Putin the Penguin down in Hillsborough … he'd laced Marmite sandwiches with SARdINes, cheeky little blighter!

If it wasn't for the fact that he'd not cut the crusts off, I'd have snaffled 'em! :gag:

If anyone tries selling you sardine gas, give 'em a wide berth!


Are you sure it wasn't 'Putin-Boots?':P:P

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I'm not going to argue the existence/activities of 'god' - that is too subjective and in the eyes/mind of an individual.


However, I am going to totally disagree with the OP - cats (and dogs) are feral creatures, and even though we have 'tamed' them, their natural instinct is still to hunt. My first cat was the friendliest thing ever, BUT I was always finding 'presents' she had brought me - usually dead, although she did seem to take a delight in bringing the mice in to chase round the house. :)


My current feline resident is a little more nervous of humans, and much lazier - he'll sit and watch the birds, but never bothers trying to catch them. He does however bring me the occaisional offering but it is always dead and laid on the kitchen mat.


So, OP, sorry but your question is silly, and/or naive.


I think it was a joke Rolling :);)

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