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Message To The Conservatives.

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I think if you were to undertake a quick check of the facts you would, in fact, discover that the "bankruptcy" was caused by property speculation and "derivatives" leading to massive state bailouts of the largest banks.


You appear to have fallen for the perpetual lie of the Conservative Party in general and Geo Osborne in particular- "it's all the fault of the last government".


Daily Mail/Express/Sun/Telegraph/Times reader I guess.


Thank you. A pithy and welcome pointing out of the facts.

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Thank you. A pithy and welcome pointing out of the facts.


An excellent post Mister M.


Unfortunately it doesn't matter how often you point out the truth to these people, and no matter how carefully you document the proof, they still prefer to believe Cameron's simplistic, idiotic soundbite. They never bother to investigate any further, something that Cameron increasingly relies on...


"If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." Joseph Goebbels

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A budget is nothing more than an aspiration. After the proposals are put to the House of Commons by the Chancellor all MPs get to discuss the proposals and vote on them. When the MPs have modified the various proposals and approved them, the measures they approve are put on the statute book.


Nice try, but if that was true what is all the fuss about?


You've got your head in the sand unfortunately.


---------- Post added 21-03-2016 at 19:13 ----------


No message is needed. The facts are the Conservatives won the last election with a clear majority. The majority is a small one, but workable. The facts are after the result of the EU referendum, the infighting will stop and the Consevatives will have nearly 4 years to prepare for the next General Election.


The message to Labour is they have no chance of winning a General Election with their current leader.


The infighting will likely intensify after the referendum, especially if there is as narrow vote to say in the EU.

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You can lead the horse to water, you cant make it drink, the party has a majority of only 17, if sufficient of the one nationers on our side decide it it is unfair the government will have to back off.


Personally, I think there is still plenty to save in the welfare budget, but there is also plenty to save elsewhere, OAPs have had an easy ride. So has the overseas aid budget. Radical thinking is necessary unless the NHS collapses under its own weight.


The "mire" is not of their making, it is the creation of the Labour party, who bankrupted us.


Of course it is, they wanted to take money from the disabled and use it to give high earners more money


---------- Post added 21-03-2016 at 19:17 ----------


No message is needed. The facts are the Conservatives won the last election with a clear majority. The majority is a small one, but workable. The facts are after the result of the EU referendum, the infighting will stop and the Consevatives will have nearly 4 years to prepare for the next General Election.


The message to Labour is they have no chance of winning a General Election with their current leader.


check the latest yougov poll.....


---------- Post added 21-03-2016 at 19:18 ----------


I'd rather have a government that listens to the people and changes its plans based on public opinion and consultation rather than blindly going ahead regardless (Labour's ID card scheme anyone?).


what....after a couple of days?

incompetence at its finest, i cant believe the positive spin that you are trying to put on something that is a complete humiliation for the Tories

Edited by banjodeano
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We need another Winston Churchill someone who can bring the people together and rebuild as one nation and leave hate at the door. But that's asking too much .


Funny you say that.


Churchill had far far more to him than just the war effort you know.


Perhaps you should read up a bit. Like all politicians he was not free from controversy and ill feeling



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Funny you say that.


Churchill had far far more to him than just the war effort you know.


Perhaps you should read up a bit. Like all politicians he was not free from controversy and ill feeling



Yes Iv have indeed read up on Churchill's life he was no angel but he put his country first . As for controversy that can be said of any leader in history good or bad.

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You can lead the horse to water, you cant make it drink, the party has a majority of only 17.


so what. That is still a majority and in fact it is a comfortable one. The last two parliaments that had small majorities, the 74-79 one, and the 92-97 one, each lasted the full five years.


but if Corbyn and co are getting any comfort from the notion that both those small-majority governments lost the elections that followed, then they had better not delude themselves that it will happen again.

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