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Message To The Conservatives.

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Hang on didn't the Tories promise to back Labour's spending commitments?http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6975536.stm


Didn't the Tories say that we should deregulate the financial markets further?



Didn't Osborne in 2010 promise to have cleared the deficit by 2015?





What about Osborne's thoughts on National debt?

George Osborne is borrowing £219bn more than he said he would at the General Election. He has grown National Debt by more Labour Chancellors added together ever did, according to http://www.greenbenchesuk.com/2015/01/100-biggest-failures-of-david-camerons.html


---------- Post added 21-03-2016 at 13:59 ----------



If you think people like Bill Cash, IDS, John Redwood et. al will stop fighting if they are on the losing side of the referendum argument then you're wrong.


Yes, its not easy, when you inherit the basket case that we became under Labour, its not surprising that plans have to change.


I wonder were we would be today if Gordon Brown and Tony (the war criminal) Blair had actually done their jobs right and protected our money?


Just think how much money could have gone into the NHS, welfare and the Police.


Instead you and the socialist fellow travelers seek to hand off responsibility for your own parties failures and criminality and attack those who are trying to rectify the situation.

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Not in the slightest. It's just pathetic of both sides to try to use how amazing they are at looking after the economy as a vote winner. It's lie from both sides and they really should stop.
I thought we were discussing an economist's blog and analysis without bias here? :huh:


I'm not partisan either way, I'm simply discussing what I perceive to be a fault in Murphy's blog: he just compares spending and indebtment by both parties, without giving full consideration to the causes (wars, monetary crises, recessions, <etc.>) underlying that spending and indebtment at the time of commitment and the (respective) term profiles associated with the debts ('duration in time': some debts are short-term, some debt are medium-term, some debts are long-term: juggling the terms and repayments of current and earlier governments' loans is a crucial aspect of budget balancing).


That is what IMHO makes his blog partisan (whether he means to be politically biased or not): it's not mathematically wrong (assuming his data is correct, and which I am for the sake of simplicity and debating honesty), but it's only half a picture. Political bias of readers fills the other half of the picture, and never the two shall meet :)


I couldn't care less whether it's Labour or the Tories who sign the loan contract and work off the loan book for decades after...in the end, it's always the same people who pay it back regardless, i.e. SMEs and the middle class :|

Edited by L00b
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The tories have no moral high ground on that issue then- it's lowest common denominator-playground tactics. They have of course recently blamed the last government, the coalition, which they seem to have forgotten their part in- rewriting history already.


Ha, have they? Ive not heard that one. Can you provide a link to the current government blaming the coalition government for something. That sounds interesting.


And- Could you list the Labour supporting media for me?


I already did, did you miss it?


Mirror Group and The Guardian both supported Labour at the last election.


Local (large circulation) newspapers such as the Liverpool Echo and Manchester Evening Standard plus the Daily Record in Scotland are also Labour supporting media outlets.

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Ha, have they? Ive not heard that one. Can you provide a link to the current government blaming the coalition government for something. That sounds interesting.




I already did, did you miss it?


Osborne blamed the last government on several occasions including on budget day. I do wish you'd keep up with them.


I was expecting you to quote the Sun/Express/Mail/Times/Telegraph/Johnston Press/ ITN/SKY/Fox and last but not least the BBC now that Murdoch is running it.


---------- Post added 22-03-2016 at 14:42 ----------


Yes, its not easy, when you inherit the basket case that we became under Labour, its not surprising that plans have to change.


I wonder were we would be today if Gordon Brown and Tony (the war criminal) Blair had actually done their jobs right and protected our money?


Just think how much money could have gone into the NHS, welfare and the Police.


Instead you and the socialist fellow travelers seek to hand off responsibility for your own parties failures and criminality and attack those who are trying to rectify the situation.


Corrected that for you


Yes, its not easy, when you inherit the basket case that we became after the banks were allowed free reign, its not surprising that plans have to change.


I wonder were we would be today if Gordon Brown and Tony (the war criminal) Blair had actually not done their jobs and not protected our money by bailing out the banks?


Just think how much money could have gone into the NHS, welfare and the Police rather than Virgin Healthcare after the 2010 Health and Social Care Bill.


Instead you and the socialist fellow travelers seek to hand off responsibility for your own parties failures and criminality and attack those who are trying to fill the bank accounts of them and their mates.

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Yes, its not easy, when you inherit the basket case that we became under Labour, its not surprising that plans have to change.


I wonder were we would be today if Gordon Brown and Tony (the war criminal) Blair had actually done their jobs right and protected our money?


Just think how much money could have gone into the NHS, welfare and the Police.


Instead you and the socialist fellow travelers seek to hand off responsibility for your own parties failures and criminality and attack those who are trying to rectify the situation.


Another £30 billion of spending money each year for a start. The overspend has to be paid for by an increase of around £30 billion each year just paying the interest on that debt.

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any chance of reading the data and coming back to give your response on its findings :roll:


You do know absolute numbers in this context are pointless which is why any reasonable person would always quote borrowing as a percentage of GDP as this way it infers the enconomy's ability to service such a debt. Also, the growth of the economy over the last 70 years has grown at such a rate that it becomes rediculous to compare borrowing in absolute numbers between years.


Also, the Tories have been very good to a lot of people. I have been better off under a Tory government for a few years and long may it continue.

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Can you provide any evidence of this?



"It is very good that the chancellor is blaming the last government - he was the chancellor in the last government"


Google is your friend



That should lead you to video footage too although some of the more rabid tory press have edited that bit out.


If you do find the video, remember - full volume for maximum sonority. Enjoy

Edited by 1789a
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"It is very good that the chancellor is blaming the last government - he was the chancellor in the last government"


Google is your friend



That should lead you to video footage too although some of the more rabid tory press have edited that bit out.


If you do find the video, remember - full volume for maximum sonority. Enjoy


once again i say my father in law would say polticians aren't born they are excreted......

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