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Who should replace Osborne?

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ERM.......a lower tax rate is equal to giving them money :huh: they are financially better off because of the rate, which means the government would have had to find the money from somewhere.....wrap it up how you want, but its simple maths....

and a lot of the disabled people would have been losing money that they needed, i personalty know someone who is a disability analyst with ATOS, and i have it from the horses mouth,

The government can say what they want, but what the government say and what the truth is are two very different things


No it isn't, its equal asking them for less, and when you ask for less they put less effort into avoiding it, they also invest more in their businesses and employ more people which generate more tax. Its a proven fact that lower tax rates generate more tax.

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Nothing was being given to the better off, and nothing that the disabled needed was been taken from them.

Try telling that to the families that have had a loved ones commit suicide after finding out they have lost their money......the reort is due out this week i think, the report that they tried to block

No it isn't, its equal asking them for less, and when you ask for less they put less effort into avoiding it, they also invest more in their businesses and employ more people which generate more tax. Its a proven fact that lower tax rates generate more tax.

Yes it is....and who says the people that are financially better off have a business :huh::huh:

that is a little presumptuous, they could be any Joe Bloggs that has a good job :confused:

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Try telling that to the families that have had a loved ones commit suicide after finding out they have lost their money......the reort is due out this week i think, the report that they tried to block


Yes it is....and who says the people that are financially better off have a business :huh::huh:

that is a little presumptuous, they could be any Joe Bloggs that has a good job :confused:


His proposal was about Corporation Tax not Income Tax, I take it you know the difference.

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No it isn't, its equal asking them for less, and when you ask for less they put less effort into avoiding it, they also invest more in their businesses and employ more people which generate more tax. Its a proven fact that lower tax rates generate more tax.

so if this theory is correct why is it that they are keen to keep avoiding paying it here :roll:

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