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Saudi arabia uncovered

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There are many ,many countries they could head to for "a better life" without coming half way round the world to good old soft touch Blighty.


wonder why benefits rich UK is there destination of choice ?


That old lie is getting harder and harder to get away with; every time you repeat it you look more like an out of touch xenophobic, Jeremy Clarkson fan with a sideline in tax fraud.

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Amazing how we went to war to unseat Sadam Hussain in Iraq, we're against Assad in Syria, and got rid of Gadaffi in Libya, yet these people who run a regime that is everybit as evil as any of them, remain not only untouched, but it's leaders are invited to dine at great banquets with our Queen and Royal family...

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Good of you to admit so ricgem, I appreciate that.


I think the genuine question is: Are their practices taking hold here, the answer to which is: no.


How do I know? I know a lot of muslims who think what is happening in Saudi Arabia is moronic. Based on that sample, which admittedly isn't scientific, I am going to say that the majority of muslims living here think it is moronic (not allowing women to drive, stoning as a punishment, chopped off hands etc. etc.).


Maybe you should try talking to a muslim once? It might broaden your horizon a bit, I will happily arrange a meeting if you are open to it?

thanks for the offer tzi but will have to turn you down. I have a few friends of all races who over the 40odd years I have known them have broadened my horizons . mind you one of my arab friends who came from Liverpool I kept a special watch on (you know with him being a scouser):hihi:

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  • 1 year later...
Amazing how we went to war to unseat Sadam Hussain in Iraq, we're against Assad in Syria, and got rid of Gadaffi in Libya, yet these people who run a regime that is everybit as evil as any of them, remain not only untouched, but it's leaders are invited to dine at great banquets with our Queen and Royal family...

Some even own our football clubs.

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