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NEW ! Tao Kung health movement classes starting in Sheffield

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What is Tao Kung?

The Tao Kung system of exercise created by Gunawan Rahardja Grandmaster of the PGB White Crane Silat School Indonesia, to meet the needs of people who have experienced health problems, and for older adults (35 +) who wish to improve and/or maintain their health.


What you will learn:

The practice includes gentle exercises/warm up’s, gentle forms inspired by nature & breathing movements. The benefits of practicing Tao Kung are to:


o Restore balance and harmony

o Improve strength & flexibility

o Increase vitality, stamina and renewal

o Balance, peace, self- awareness

o Reduce anxiety & stress


Where & When:

Classes in the UK are held in Sheffield


TUESDAY 7-9 pm (beginning April 5th 2016)

RSPCA Sheffield

Sheffield Animal Centre

2 Stadium Way



S9 3HN.


Wear loose comfortable clothing preferably white, cost £7 (concessions available) For more information contact Jaqi Moore 07969625490

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