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Shakespeare / Lantern Theatre / 23 - 24 March


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Foolish Mortals:Tickets £5


We’re acknowledging the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death with a festival that celebrates and draws on all of his plays. Men and Women have swapped their roles, all the conventional boundaries that usually define them have been stripped away and the hunt is on for the mortal beneath.


It’s a Life lived in five acts. The storm of birth, disobedient children, disappointing parents, lust, the manacle of love, betrayal, notable cowards, endless lairs, promise-breakers, lascivious turtles, dark light, murder, grief, crown-less kings, debaucherous youth, joy, hope, discontented winters, summer-birds, guilt, loss, hags, enchantresses, spotted and inconstant men, monsters, rascals, sweet saints, maidens, foul wrinkled witches; fools all, ever striving to claw out an existence in spite of the gods.


“Oh, what fools these mortals be”


Presented by the Dilys Guite Players Community Theatre Group.


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