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Safer from terror attacks by leaving the EU?

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Whether we get full access or partial access isn't an important issue for most of the people wanting to leave.


really? so you dont care that a bad deal will increase unemployment and all the problems which go from it.


so what is the important issue then? some mythical idea of soverignty which might have existed 50 years ago but is now pretty much meaningless against a globalising world?

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They would be facilitating it by allowing to travel freely through their country to get here, and we will just send them back to France, they are Frances problem not ours, if France doesn't want them they should have stopped them getting into France.


We don't with the ones who already get here. You're going to have to present the evidence you have that explains why that would change. An answer that boils down to "because I say so" doesn't count.

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really? so you dont care that a bad deal will increase unemployment and all the problems which go from it.


so what is the important issue then? some mythical idea of soverignty which might have existed 50 years ago but is now pretty much meaningless against a globalising world?


Employment in the UK isn't be dependant on having full or partial access to the single market.


Leaving the EU, control over our own laws and reducing the net migration figures to a sustainable level.


---------- Post added 25-03-2016 at 13:13 ----------


We don't with the ones who already get here. You're going to have to present the evidence you have that explains why that would change. An answer that boils down to "because I say so" doesn't count.


I was asked what I would change, I can no more predict the future than you, but what ever happens after we leave our elected government will be fully accountable, no more excuses that the EU won't let us do it.

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Employment in the UK isn't be dependant on having full or partial access to the single market.


Leaving the EU, control over our own laws and reducing the net migration figures to a sustainable level.


---------- Post added 25-03-2016 at 13:13 ----------



I was asked what I would change, I can no more predict the future than you, but what ever happens after we leave our elected government will be fully accountable, no more excuses that the EU won't let us do it.


The elected government is fully accountable now, and indeed it is very guilty of using the EU as an excuse. If you know that they are indeed excuses than your position against the EU makes even less sense, don't you think?

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Yes your head is in the sand, and yes we have the best intelligence servers in the EU, they will want to cooperate with us.


I also feel safe in the country as it is, most people that want Brexit very likely feel safe in the country as it is, leaving however would make it safer and it isn't an overly important issue for those wanting Brexit, its the EU supporters that think it's an important issue and they that made the incorrect claim that we wouldn't be safe if we leave the EU, they are talking nonsense and can't back up what they say, so they have moved the burden of proof on those that didn't bring the matter up.


How would it make it safer? You haven't explained how.


---------- Post added 25-03-2016 at 13:29 ----------


I was asked what I would change, I can no more predict the future than you, but what ever happens after we leave our elected government will be fully accountable, no more excuses that the EU won't let us do it.


Our government is fully accountable now.


The elements we don't like about open borders policy we are already negotiated out of in a way that is enshrined in EU treaties. We can make further negotiations within the EU framework.

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They would be facilitating it by allowing to travel freely through their country to get here, and we will just send them back to France, they are Frances problem not ours, if France doesn't want them they should have stopped them getting into France.


You really cannot be silly as you are making out. You cannot seriously think the problem is so simplistic to say "it's Frances problem".


We have an agreement at the moment that the our border – the big gates to the UK is on the French side.


If that agreement was revoked the border could move back to our English port.


That would mean that Mr Asylum Seeker and Mr Economic Migrant will be able to freely travel across Europe through France and onto any boat they choose to get to the UK border which is now back on our soil.


So for every ferry that arrives we now have to deal with thousands of passengers and vehicles and lorries getting off sorting out who is resident who is a genuine visitor, who is seeking asylum or even something else.


We then find a handful of people who shouldn't be here and arrange to send them back on the next boat, during which time another 4 ferries have arrived.


Lets not forget that once Mr Asylum Seeker and Mr Economic Migrant get back to France they are perfectly entitled to choose another ship and do exactly the same thing again.


Round and round it goes. What you going to do when you cannot find a ferry to put them back on that day. Where you going to put them? Its easy to say, I wouldn't build camps but have you any idea who long the asylum process takes. Regardless of the EU in/out debate we still have international obligations which include asylum considerations.


What's the alternative? Spend money taking them to some airport and flying them back to their country of origin?


Your comments are falling in line with a lot of the mainstream media. Its far too easy to spout nonsensical statements like "block them getting in" "turn the boats around" "send em all back"


It does not always work like that in the real world. Even Australia is finding that out the hard way.


Fact is that just like Airlines, having the checking BEFORE crossing is far more practical and sensible than trying to deal with upon disembarkation. We do not want to lose that.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Wow, I never knew it was so simple.


Like a giant game of refugee tennis. Boat comes in and before anyone even steps a foot on the ramp, we close it up and send it straight back again.


How long do you seriously think that's gonna last before something gives.


That would only be the outcome if the scaremongering from the in camp came to pass, but it won't so don't worry about it.


---------- Post added 25-03-2016 at 14:33 ----------


They wouldn't be sending them here. They'd just wouldn't stop them from coming here as they do now. The result would be the camps get exported to Dover.

Round and round we go, they would be facilitating it, so we would just send them back to the last country they left. No camps in the UK.


---------- Post added 25-03-2016 at 14:37 ----------


The elected government is fully accountable now, and indeed it is very guilty of using the EU as an excuse. If you know that they are indeed excuses than your position against the EU makes even less sense, don't you think?


They accountable for some things and not others, once we leave the EU they won't have any more excuses.


---------- Post added 25-03-2016 at 14:39 ----------


How would it make it safer? You haven't explained how.


---------- Post added 25-03-2016 at 13:29 ----------



Our government is fully accountable now.


The elements we don't like about open borders policy we are already negotiated out of in a way that is enshrined in EU treaties. We can make further negotiations within the EU framework.


I have explained but your head in in the sand, how would it make it less safe, your side of the debate brought security into the debate but you have failed at every opportunity to explain why we would be less safe if we left the EU.


---------- Post added 25-03-2016 at 14:39 ----------


Our government is fully accountable now.


The elements we don't like about open borders policy we are already negotiated out of in a way that is enshrined in EU treaties. We can make further negotiations within the EU framework.


No they are not, they don't make all the rules.

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I think that tough love may be in order. Proclaim a declaration that in a period of time, say 3 months, any immigrant found illegally entering Europe through a smuggling route, will be executed and their bodies dumped unceremoniously.


This may seem harsh, and it is, but very quickly the migration will stop and lives will be saved in the medium and long term.

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I think that tough love may be in order. Proclaim a declaration that in a period of time, say 3 months, any immigrant found illegally entering Europe through a smuggling route, will be executed and their bodies dumped unceremoniously.


This may seem harsh, and it is, but very quickly the migration will stop and lives will be saved in the medium and long term.




what have they got in places like Syria and Iraq? a daily death, dont you think theyd still take the risk, 50/50 whether they get through or die

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I think that tough love may be in order. Proclaim a declaration that in a period of time, say 3 months, any immigrant found illegally entering Europe through a smuggling route, will be executed and their bodies dumped unceremoniously.


This may seem harsh, and it is, but very quickly the migration will stop and lives will be saved in the medium and long term.


So will you be happy to murder the thousands of men women and children?

How do you think that would play out?


You might find rather a large increease in terrorism. Well done for one of the most stupid posts ever.

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