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Safer from terror attacks by leaving the EU?

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Try getting into Australia, they have it right - much that we could learn from them.




It looks harder to get into Canada, I watch a program about border control in Australia, Canada and the UK and we are a soft touch compared to the other two.

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40% of British Muslims want sharia law.

25% of British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified.

31% of younger British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified.

12% of young Muslims in Britain (and 12% overall) believe that suicide attacks against civilians in Britain can be justified.

35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).

45% of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent "mainstream Islam".



So not the majority but a significant minority.


Highly dodgy numbers. Where from?

Do you know any Muslims in real life? You'd probably be less OTT about them if you did.

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Highly dodgy numbers. Where from?

Do you know any Muslims in real life? You'd probably be less OTT about them if you did.


From polls carried out and published on the BBC, Guardian, Telegraph, Times, You Gov, Comres, Wikipedia, and many other media sources.

Edited by sutty27
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And you believe all of them I take it?


Polls are never 100% accurate, the numbers could be lower or higher but they are usually close, there wouldn't be any polls if polls were always very wrong, but even if you half all the numbers it still substantiates the point I made that a significant minority are Islamic extremists or support Islamic extremism.

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It looks harder to get into Canada, I watch a program about border control in Australia, Canada and the UK and we are a soft touch compared to the other two.


Opinion formed on the basis of popular reality TV, stats without valid source, a misunderstanding of the EU and border controls and when put altogether you get a very unconvincing argument.

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And you believe all of them I take it?


Do you believe there is something in the British air that immunises Muslims from the religious extremism that infects those living in the Muslim world? Is there a British 'light' version of Islam that I'm unaware of? Would be nice it were true.

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Do you believe there is something in the British air that immunises Muslims from the religious extremism that infects those living in the Muslim world? Is there a British 'light' version of Islam that I'm unaware of? Would be nice it were true.


There is certainly something in the air that makes British Muslims less radical than those abroad.


The percentages who believe that attacks on civilians are acceptable is markedly less here than in majority Muslim countries.


So the answer to your question is yes there probably is.

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There is certainly something in the air that makes British Muslims less radical than those abroad.


The percentages who believe that attacks on civilians are acceptable is markedly less here than in majority Muslim countries.


So the answer to your question is yes there probably is.


But is that something about being in Britain or the fact they are a minority, its also a good reason not to let more in from the parts of the world in which it is regarded as more acceptable.

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