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Safer from terror attacks by leaving the EU?

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So by having an OPEN BORDER policy our country is safer then ?

How on earth does that make us safer ?

We have to monitor people who enter our country. If we do, that makes us safer. Surely that's common sense.

If someone knocks on your door at night, do you always invite them in ? Or do you assess them and then make your informed decision for entry or not.


It makes no difference. The border agencies look at everyone who comes into the country and make decisions about them.

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It makes no difference. The border agencies look at everyone who comes into the country and make decisions about them.


time to take a far more in depth look at who comes up to our borders? we need a visible presence on the st also, visible checkpoints at major events, public buildings, airports and rail stations.

we also need random checks on the general public in all situations with explosive detecting sniffer dogs.

we need to spend less on overseas aid and more on home defence priorities.

we are safer by leaving the EU and its constraints!

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If anything we would be less safe. I very much doubt that a terrorist would arrive at our borders with guns and explosives in his bag so how will the border agencies know a visitor is a terrorist or not..?


I suppose we could always ask them if they were terrorists and hope they told the truth.


And of course, that wouldn't do anything about internal terrorists.


Or we could just simply refuse them entry full stop. Then we could concentrate on our internal Islamic nutjobs.

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The reasons you gave are the reason they left their country, not the reason they ended up in Calais.


If every country in the Schengen area had boarder controls they wouldn't be in Calais.


We've got border controls but that didn't stop 27 illegal immigrants rocking up in a truck recently.


No border controls can keep everybody out


---------- Post added 24-03-2016 at 21:09 ----------


Nothing it seems will convince the Euro fanatics that Schengen needs to be abolished, they'll hold on to it no matter what because its the closest thing they'll get to a communist, borderless anarchy that they wet dream about.


Total nonsense.


---------- Post added 24-03-2016 at 21:13 ----------


Or we could just simply refuse them entry full stop. Then we could concentrate on our internal Islamic nutjobs.


I think we'll have to do that to be honest.


When Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU we successfully limited immigration from those countries. We need to do the same again. Anybody on refugee ID or anybody who gets EU citizenship after being a refugee from Syria/Iraq should be subject to special immigration measures. That is not to say they can't come in, only that there would be extra diligence over allowing entry.


Our membership of the EU would allow that.

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No border controls can keep everybody out


You are starting to get it, it took some time but at least you are almost there.


So just like locking your house and car, you can't keep everyone out but you can keep some out, that means by locking your house and car they are less likely to be burgled, but it doesn't mean they won't be burgled it's just less likely.

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You are starting to get it, it took some time but at least you are almost there.


So just like locking your house and car, you can't keep everyone out but you can keep some out, that means by locking your house and car they are less likely to be burgled, but it doesn't mean they won't be burgled it's just less likely.


That's exactly the position we are in now. Already. Only you can't see it.

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