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Running Clubs in Fulwood

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I am a beginner and I am looking to start getting back into running but struggling to find a beginners running club in my area, I am looking for some motivation to get me out there!

I can just about do a 5k on a good day but I don't run regular so I have to sometimes walk and run. Are there any clubs nearby?



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Strideout sound like they might be up your street:

*Link removed* (Just realised this is a really old link - can't seem to find a group website but they're defintiely active).


(I'm making an assumption from your username that you're female?)

Edited by achorste
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It's not a running club - but you could think about doing Parkrun in Endcliffe Park on Saturday mornings. It's a pretty easy circuit - twice around the park - and people do walk parts of it. I gather quite a few people stay on afterwards in Endcliffe Park Cafe, if it's the social side of a club that you're looking for.




Plus, it's probably a good way of meeting up / with getting to know some running club members.


---------- Post added 24-03-2016 at 16:56 ----------


This link appears to work for Strideout (they can also be found on facebook):-



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