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Gout, ow it hurts!

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Well the mystery deepens. Blood tests came back and doctor said it looked like gout and prescribed me some tablets. Went to see him next morning cos bruising came out on my foot and the doctor was puzzled cos he says that doesn't tie in with gout! He said its mire likely a injury. No, I don't think so. I can't remember anything happening to my foot to let it be so painful.


Exactly what i said- pre Arthritis diagnosis. I started with purple swelling in my big toe, then infection (lots of yellow goo, that i managed to squeeze out through the nail). Then it all cleared up for a few month, then the redness came back and spread up my toe to the joint. It cleared up again, then i got my diagnosis.

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Exactly what i said- pre Arthritis diagnosis. I started with purple swelling in my big toe, then infection (lots of yellow goo, that i managed to squeeze out through the nail). Then it all cleared up for a few month, then the redness came back and spread up my toe to the joint. It cleared up again, then i got my diagnosis.

I'm no (medical) doctor, but that sounds like gall stones to me.

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As this thread has already shown there are many different versions of inverted commas gout. Below are some of my personal observations.


My personal Gout is a form of arthritis and therefore paracetamol will not work- ibuprofen is much more likely to reduce the pain and immobility. There are some very powerful liver-rotting pain killers available.


This form of arthritis often attacks damaged or previously damaged joints. After the attack has past ask your GP to get advice on how to strengthen the joint through exercise- particularly effective for ankles- as are wearing boots. Show the doctor your funny little white lump(s) on you ear if you have them.

Blood tests are only useful if taken just before or during the first bit of the attack- arrange with the GP to do a blood test when you think an attack is imminent.

I have given up on my GP as repeat prescriptions make no difference:

Year 1 with allopurinol -3 immobilizing attacks

Year 2 without allopurinol -4 immobilizing attacks

Year 3 with allopurinol -3 immobilizing attacks

now without allopurinol 2-3 immobilizing attacks and 1-2 just painful ones.


Do not take allopurinol after an attack starts and do not take any tablets from Uncle Bing who swears by them.


Prepare for your next attack. Some people are immobile for hours.

ie food, ibuprofen, mobile, chargers etc. and most essentially liquids.

You will not be able to get your strong prescription painkiller yourself! Get travel insurance that covers you from the date you bought your ticket as not all do.


I have tried drinking lots of weak beer when an attack was imminent- worked.


Last 36 hrs- as soon as I get some mobility back start walking in straight lines.

Do not try to use a walking stick unless you have been shown how to use it- its a counterintuitive thing.


Avoiding food has never worked and the only link is tiredness and working on hard floors where a lot of walking/moving is involved.


Currently miles from home and having my first attack in my knee and wondering if I will be able to get home- thank heavens for annual travel insurance.

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