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Good Friday and Easter?

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What is it with Good Friday? At one time it used to be classed as the same as Christmas day :loopy::help:


My firm is closed Good Friday and Easter Monday. Some Work Good Friday and have Monday and Tuesday off????


They are supposedly recognised religious holidays like Christmas but I don't understand how they can be moved about.


Could someone please explain to me in simple terms how this happens because Christmas never alters!


I always understood (religion) Christ was born on Christmas day - had a bit of bother then was resurrected Easter?? :help:

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What is it with Good Friday? At one time it used to be classed as the same as Christmas day :loopy::help:


My firm is closed Good Friday and Easter Monday. Some Work Good Friday and have Monday and Tuesday off????


They are supposedly recognised religious holidays like Christmas but I don't understand how they can be moved about.


Could someone please explain to me in simple terms how this happens because Christmas never alters!


I always understood (religion) Christ was born on Christmas day - had a bit of bother then was resurrected Easter?? :help:


Have you also noticed that Easter is on different dates every year!!!!!

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Are you sure you are not comparing Christmas day and Easter Sunday?


Rules for large shops in England and Wales:


Shops over 280 square metres -

can open on Sundays but only for 6 consecutive hours between

10am and 6pm

must close on Easter Sunday

must close on Christmas Day




Good Friday to me has always been a grey area with opening and not. Supposedly its a bank holiday with many businesses choosing to close but its certainly not been a Christmas Day style full closure.

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There is a school of thought that says Christ was born in September....


And a school of thought that there is actually no God. Well not one who is caring and kind. He does seem to like allowing the screwed up system of life Carry on without intervention.

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Im glad that places are open on Good Friday, it annoys me they aren't open on Easter Sunday. Why should the economy suffer and the educated be put out to repect the desires of the intellectually stunted?


Really grinds my gears.


You may as well go into work then, keep the gears of that educated brain of yours greased.:rolleyes:

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Im glad that places are open on Good Friday, it annoys me they aren't open on Easter Sunday. Why should the economy suffer and the educated be put out to repect the desires of the intellectually stunted?


Really grinds my gears.


My view of this is, that shops don't need to be open , one day won't kill anyone . apart from as a christian I like sundays as a day of worship and fellowship with other like minded people I also like the fact we can have family time , time to spend with our loved ones , perhaps go for a family picnic , or watch a film together , or even play board games , this is lacking in modern life. My children are all grown but on sunday we try to spend it together.We like to do that its about family values , this is the way we chose to spend days off too.

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